Agenda item

22/P/00998 - Land to the rear of 168, The Street, West Horsley, KT24 6HS


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for extension of a detached self-build / custom build dwelling with associated garaging and new access on land to the rear of Dytchleys, 168 The Street.


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, Katie Williams.  The proposal was for the erection of a detached self-build dwelling with associated garaging and new access on land to the rear of Dytchleys, 168 The Street.  The site was within the settlement boundary of West Horsley and inset from the boundary with the Green Belt.   To the east of the site was the boundary and it was also within the 400 metre to five kilometres TBHSPA buffer zone. As existing, it was an overgrown open area, forming part of the garden of 168, The Street.  It was bounded by dwellings to the north and south and open countryside to the east.  A recent application 21/P/00182 for three dwellings on the site was refused on the grounds that the number of dwellings, along with their associated scale, would appear out of character and would not achieve a transitional edge to the village.


The proposed dwelling would be a two storey, detached dwelling sited approximately 33 metres to the east of number 168, which itself was sited adjacent to the street.  The proposed dwelling would be 7.3 metres in overall height with excavation works, setting the building down from the surrounding dwellings, it would be of an Arts and Crafts style with traditional materials such as brick and clay tiles, with an oak framed double height porch.  The proposed dwelling would provide 4 bedrooms and a further single storey detached garage in front to the north-west of the principal elevation, providing two designated parking spaces.  There would also be additional space for parking on the driveway to the front of the house.   Access would be provided off the street with a new access driveway running between number 168 and number 164 The Street.


The dwelling would comply with the nationally described space standards in terms of room, sizes and overall floor area.  The existing tennis court, boundary hedging and trees would be largely retained.   The bin collection point would also be provided adjacent to the highway and the County Highway Authority had confirmed no objections to the proposal.  Several trees were proposed to be removed to accommodate the access these were rated to be the category of lower quality, and no objection has been raised by the Council's Tree Officer subject to recommended conditions.  A landscaping condition was recommended to ensure appropriate landscaping to include new tree planting within the site if the application was approved.  Some additional biodiversity enhancements had been suggested in the ecology report, and this could be secured by condition.  The site was within Flood Zone 1 and was considered to be at low risk from surface water flooding. Sustainability measures were also recommended to be secured by condition and section 106 has been drafted to secure the required SANG and SAMM contributions.


In conclusion, there was no objection to the principle of development and the proposal would deliver a net increase of one new four-bedroom dwelling in a sustainable location, the development would not harm or affect the character or appearance of the surrounding area and would not materially impact on neighbouring amenity.


There were also no concerns in terms of adverse impacts on the highway on highway safety or the Thames Basin Heath SPA.  The application was therefore recommended for approval, subject to recommended conditions and the S106. 


The Chairman permitted Councillor Catherine Young to speak in her capacity as ward councillor for three minutes. 


The Senior Planning Officer, Katie Williams confirmed in relation to points raised by the ward councillor that there was no such thing as housing being surplus to requirements.  The overriding objective of the NPPF was to boost the supply of housing overall.


The Committee considered concerns raised regarding why the proposal which appeared to be a backland development was recommended for approval when previously planning policy did not support such applications.  The West Horsley Neighbourhood Plan should also be given appropriate weight.  Having a six and a half year housing supply should be a safeguard against inappropriate developments.


The Committee also noted comments that the application site was not located in the Green Belt.  The proposal was considered to be acceptable given it was for one property albeit with four bedrooms. The Committee noted doubts of how it could be demonstrated that significant harm would be caused through a back garden development for one unit.  


The planning officers commented that the development plan was the primary principal planning consideration.  The objective of the NPPF remained, subject to conforming with other policies in the plan.  Therefore, some weight had to be given to the contribution of an additional dwelling but it did not mean that it could not be outweighed by other considerations.  In addition, it was the planning officers view that a detailed assessment had been carried out of why the proposal was considered to be in character with its surroundings.  This was     

mainly because it followed a similar line to the two adjacent dwellings.  In relation to other examples of other applications, it’s important to stress that the Committee had to look at each application on its own merits, assessing the context and characteristics of the site in relation to the immediate surroundings.   


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.










David Bilbe





Fiona White





Maddy Redpath





Liz Hogger





Ramsey Nagaty





Pauline Searle





Angela Gunning





Angela Goodwin





Marsha Moseley





Colin Cross





Jon Askew





Paul Spooner





Chris Blow





Bob McShee









In conclusion having taken account of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee


RESOLVED to approve application 22/P/00998 subject to a Section 106 Agreement securing appropriate SANG and SAMM mitigation payments.


Supporting documents: