Agenda item

Lead Councillor Question Session

A question session with the Lead Councillor for Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services.  Councillor Tom Hunt’s specific areas of responsibility: Planning applications; Planning enforcement; Planning integration and improvement; Democratic and committee services; Elections; Executive and civic support; GDPR; Information security, governance; Legal; and Overview & Scrutiny support.



The Chairman introduced the question session with Councillor Tom Hunt, the Lead Councillor for Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services.  The meeting was reminded of Councillor Hunt’s specific areas of responsibility: Planning applications; Planning enforcement; Planning integration and improvement; Democratic and committee services; Elections; Executive and civic support; GDPR; Information security, governance; Legal; and Overview & Scrutiny support.


During the ensuing discussion several points were made, and clarifications offered:


  • In response to a question alluding to the possible designation of the Council for special measures by the government because of its poor performance in determining planning applications on time, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, advised the meeting that there had been no response to date from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC) to the Council’s letter of 2 February 2023.  He suggested a response was expected within 4-6 weeks’ time. 


  • The Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, was asked to provide an update on the plan outlined by the Interim Executive Head of Planning Development in an email sent to Councillors on 25 January 2023.  The Interim Executive Head of Planning Development advised that the action plan sent to DLUHC was constantly being reviewed and added to, and that many actions had been enacted, for example, the approval by Council of the changes to the Member Referral process.  She indicated that eight temporary members of staff had been recruited since mid-January 2023 to help deal with planning applications, and two further temporary members of staff would begin in the major development applications team soon.  The Interim Executive Head of Planning Development informed the meeting that an Improvement Board for Planning Development was to be established, as an Executive working group, to oversee the improvements.


  • In response to a question about the need to prioritise the oldest planning applications, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, advised the Committee of measures taken to help tackle the backlog in planning applications, including the recruitment of additional staff.  He noted that the backlog of planning applications was partly due to the turnover of planning officers at the Council.  The Interim Executive Head of Planning Development advised that a recruitment drive for planning officers would commence soon. 


  • The meeting was advised of a Councillor comment praising the success of the planning enforcement team in reducing the number of enforcement cases and dealing with new cases more swiftly.


  • In reply to a question, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, stated that he viewed the rise in planning applications after the Covid pandemic and the reductions and changes in the planning team as a result of the Council’s Future Guildford transformation programme as the point at which the backlog in applications started.  He referred to staffing difficulties in the Council’s planning service, including the departure of seven full time planners and fourteen temporary members of planning staff in the period between September 2020 and September 2022.  The Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, advised the Committee of difficulties recruiting planning officers and suggested that a critical culture and commentary toward planning officers in the Borough was unhelpful to recruitment.


  • As evidence of improvement, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, advised the Committee that for October – December 2022, seventy-two percent of non-major planning applications were processed within the eight week target period.


  • The Interim Executive Head of Planning Development informed the Committee that the service aim was to clear the backlog in older planning applications while continuing to process more recent ones.  She indicated that there would be a blitz week in March 2023 to focus on the backlog of applications.  The Interim Executive Head of Planning Development confirmed that overtime had been offered to planning officers previously, but the intention was to not over-use it.



  • In reply to a question, and with reference to the merits of the Bosco Verticale in Milan, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, indicated that he did not have a set view on the issue of a building height policy for the Borough.


  • In reply to a question about contact with applicants, the Interim Executive Head of Planning Development confirmed that extensions of time were sought for all householder and other minor planning applications approaching the eight weeks completion period but providing applicants with an explanation for each delay would be time-consuming.  In response to a follow-up question, the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, reminded Councillors that if they emailed queries and questions about specific planning applications to the Planning Development then officers would respond. 


  • The Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, welcomed the suggestion that apprenticeships be considered to help alleviate planning staff recruitment difficulties.



The Chairman thanked the Lead Councillor for Planning Development, Legal & Democratic Services, and the Interim Executive Head of Planning Development for attending and answering questions.