Agenda item

Review of Councillors' Allowances - Proposed appointment of a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel



That the Executive recommends to Council (11 October 2022):

(1)        That the Council agrees to establish jointly with Waverley Borough Council a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to conduct a review and make recommendations to each council on their respective scheme of allowances for councillors in 2023.


(2)        That the draft terms of reference of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel, attached as Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(3)        That, subject to confirmation of their continued eligibility for appointment, Vivienne Cameron, Dennis Frost, and Gordon Manickam be appointed to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel for a period of up to four years commencing with the 2023-24 municipal year.


(4)        That the Joint Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to advertise for candidates from the general public and a wide range of organisations, including the local business community and voluntary organisations, for the appointment of up to two other members of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to serve for a period of up to four years commencing with the 2023-24 municipal year, and together with the Leaders and Deputy Leaders of both councils to shortlist, interview, and recommend for selection up to two nominees for appointment to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel.


(5)        That the nominees for appointment to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel referred to in paragraph (4) above be subject to formal approval by the Council at its full council meeting in February 2023.


(6)       That the honorarium to be paid to each Panel member be set at £1,500, the cost of which shall be divided equally between the two councils.


(7)        That the proposed timetable for appointment of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel and review of Guildford’s allowances set out in paragraph 4.13 of the report, be approved.


(8)       That provision be made in the 2023-24 revenue budget of £6,200 for the review of councillors’ allowances.


(9)       That the Joint Monitoring Officer be authorised to make all arrangements for the establishment and appointment of future independent remuneration panels, including approval of terms of reference, honoraria for panel members, and timetables for appointment and reviews of allowances.



To comply with the requirements of The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:




The Council was required to conduct the next review of councillors’ allowances in 2023 following the local elections.  Under The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 the Council must appoint an independent remuneration panel to make recommendations as to the type and level of allowances to be included in the next scheme of allowances for councillors.  The Council had a duty to have regard to the panel’s recommendations.

Waverley Borough Council was also committed to conduct a review of allowances for its councillors following next year’s local elections.

The Executive considered a report setting out a proposal to establish a joint independent remuneration panel, and sought approval of its proposed terms of reference, a process for the recruitment of members to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel (including the suggested re-appointment of three persons who had served previously on the independent remuneration panels for both Guildford and Waverley), level of honorarium to be paid to each panel member, and a proposed timetable for the appointment process and for the review itself next year. 

It was noted that Waverley Borough Council had delegated authority to its Monitoring Officer to establish an Independent Remuneration Panel.  Waverley’s Monitoring Officer would be invited to agree the process for the appointment of a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel as described in the report.  The Executive


To recommend to Council (11 October 2022):

(1)        That the Council agrees to establish jointly with Waverley Borough Council a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to conduct a review and make recommendations to each council on their respective scheme of allowances for councillors in 2023.


(2)        That the draft terms of reference of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel, attached as Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(3)        That, subject to confirmation of their continued eligibility for appointment, Vivienne Cameron, Dennis Frost, and Gordon Manickam be appointed to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel for a period of up to four years commencing with the 2023-24 municipal year.


(4)        That the Joint Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to advertise for candidates from the general public and a wide range of organisations, including the local business community and voluntary organisations, for the appointment of up to two other members of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to serve for a period of up to four years commencing with the 2023-24 municipal year, and together with the Leaders and Deputy Leaders of both councils to shortlist, interview, and recommend for selection up to two nominees for appointment to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel.


(5)        That the nominees for appointment to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel referred to in paragraph (4) above be subject to formal approval by the Council at its full council meeting in February 2023.


(6)       That the honorarium to be paid to each Panel member be set at £1,500, the cost of which shall be divided equally between the two councils.


(7)        That the proposed timetable for appointment of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel and review of Guildford’s allowances set out in paragraph 4.13 of the report, be approved.


(8)       That provision be made in the 2023-24 revenue budget of £6,200 for the review of councillors’ allowances.


(9)       That the Joint Monitoring Officer be authorised to make all arrangements for the establishment and appointment of future independent remuneration panels, including approval of terms of reference, honoraria for panel members, and timetables for appointment and reviews of allowances.



To comply with the requirements of The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.


Supporting documents: