Prior to consideration of the above-mentioned application, the following persons addressed the Committee in accordance with Public Speaking Procedure Rules 3(b):
· Mr David Neame (Agent) (in support)
The Committee considered the full application for the erection of 38 no. dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking and cycle storage together with associated landscaping and servicing (description amended 02/11/2021).
The Committee received a presentation from Jo Trask, Planning Officer. The Committee noted that there was a typo in condition 7 where reference to sooner should be replaced with ‘season’. The application site was allocated for housing under policy A31 and fell within the urban area of Ash and Tongham. The site was also located within 400 metres to 5 kilometres of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (TBHSPA). The site was also adjoined to a nature conservation area and a footpath ran along the western boundary. A total of 36 dwellings were proposed, comprising of a mix of detached and semi-detached flat and terrace style properties. Allocated and visitor parking would also be provided within the site. The site approved in 2020 was granted planning permission for 35 units and had been implemented. The proposed scheme sought an additional three units on a large site area and were accommodated on plot A. The majority of the built form would be located in the middle of the plot therefore retaining the existing rural character as per the already approved scheme.
Planning officers accepted that there would be an inevitable change in the character and appearance of the land. The principle of development had already been found to be acceptable in the granting of the 35 units in 2020. The scheme currently proposed a net increase of 3 units on a slightly enlarged area. The proposal complied with the development plan and would not result in any material harm to the character of the area. The landscape buffer around the site would also be retained and would help the development integrate into its site. The proposed dwellings were considered to provide a good level of internal and external amenity for future residents. There would be no unacceptable harm to neighbouring residents and subject to conditions, the scheme would also be acceptable I terms of highway safety, trees, ecology, archaeology and sustainable construction. The planning officers recommendation was therefore to approve the application subject to a S106 agreement which would secure 40% affordable housing on site, contributions towards Thames Basin Heath mitigation, education, Ash Road Bridge Highways and NHS healthcare.
The Committee discussed the application and concerns raised that Tongham Parish Council had in fact been consulted given it referred to Ash Parish Council in the report. The Committee welcomed the good proportion of affordable housing offered as part of the development proposal. The Committee also sought clarification on the number of visitor parking spaces to be provided.
The Head of Place, Dan Ledger, confirmed that Tongham Parish Council had been consulted with and the reference to Ash Parish Council was a typo. It was also confirmed that a total of 7 visitor parking spaces would be provided.
The Committee agreed that the proposal for a net increase of 3 dwellings was acceptable and that no material harm would be caused to the character of the area. The landscape buffer around the site provided the opportunity for the scheme to be integrated into the wider area. The dwellings provided a good level of amenity and caused no unacceptable harm to neighbouring residents.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.
1 |
Jon Askew |
X |
2 |
Colin Cross |
X |
3 |
Pauline Searle |
X |
4 |
Ruth Brothwell |
X |
5 |
Jan Harwood |
X |
6 |
David Bilbé (not present for this application) |
7 |
Angela Gunning |
X |
8 |
Liz Hogger |
X |
9 |
Marsha Moseley |
X |
10 |
Tony Rooth |
X |
11 |
Angela Goodwin |
X |
12 |
Maddy Redpath |
X |
13 |
Ramsey Nagaty |
X |
14 |
Deborah Seabrook |
X |
13 |
In conclusion, having taken account of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee
RESOLVED to approve application 21/P/01456 subject to a S106 Agreement securing the following contributions:
Contributions towards education infrastructure:
?? Early years £25,576
?? Primary years £124,925
?? Secondary years £137,348
Total contribution towards education infrastructure: £287,849
SANG to be secured at Ash Green Meadows (privately owned SANG).
SAMM contribution of £26,187.80
40% affordable housing 15 units in perpetuity
Open space:
?? A contribution based on 0.14ha provision towards formal playing space;
?? Children's play space 0.1ha to be secured on site
?? Amenity open space 1.65ha to be secured on site
A contribution of £1824 towards Highway safety improvements for a road safety
scheme in the vicinity of the site
A contribution of £78,104.82 towards Heath Care
A contribution of £409,084 towards Ash Road Bridge
If the terms of the s.106 or wording or the planning conditions are significantly
amended as part of ongoing s.106 or planning condition(s) negotiations any
changes shall be agreed in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning
Committee and lead Ward Member.
(ii) That upon completion of the above, the application be determined by the Head
of Place/Director of Service Delivery. The recommendation is to approve planning
permission, subject to conditions.
(iii) In the event that a satisfactory s.106 is not completed, the application be
refused by the Head of Place/Director of Service Delivery.
Supporting documents: