Prior to consideration of the above-mentioned application, the following persons addressed the Committee in accordance with Public Speaking Procedure Rules 3(b):
· Mr Oscar de Chazal (to object) and;
· Ms Mary Adkins (to object)
The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for provision of a water tap and a manhole to facilitate the provision of a mains water supply for the purposes of agriculture.
The Committee received a presentation from the planning officer, John Busher. The Committee noted that the application was for planning permission for a tap and manhole cover on land off Westwood Lane in Wanborough. The site was comprised of part of an agricultural field, in the Green Belt and an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) and located outside of the AONB boundary. The Committee noted the supplementary late sheets where it had been incorrectly stated in the report that the site was within the AONB but the site actually sits outside of it. An additional comment had also been received from the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty officer.
The site was largely open and undeveloped and the proposed tap was very similar to an application the Committee had approved back in May 2021. The application sought permission for a water tap and no other development was proposed. The land remained in agricultural use. The application did not seek material change to the use of the land. Given the development was for an engineering operation in the Green Belt, the only consideration was the impact on the surrounding openness. As the proposed was for a tap and manhole cover, officers did not believe that there would be any loss of openness or discernable harm to the Green Belt nor impact on its character or appearance and had therefore recommended the application for approval.
The Committee discussed the application and noted that a significant piece of beautiful and open landscape had been sold off in various lots, in some cases to plant trees which would need water as well as possibly to graze livestock on. The Committee noted concerns therefore that this would not be the last tap application and the recommendation that the Article 4 Direction that covered this land was placed as an informative if it was approved.
The Committee noted that enforcement action was a regular activity on the adjacent site. Concern was noted that a tap or a proposal for tree planting would impact on the views in and out of the AGLV and views of the AONB as well as an impact on the openness. The planting of trees or use of livestock on the land would also require the erection of fences which was contrary to the Article 4 Direction as it would break up the openness of the land. The fields also flooded regularly and therefore the need for a tap was questioned.
The Head of Place, Dan Ledger confirmed that the Committee had to consider the application before it for a tap. The proposal was not for a change of use of the land. As the application was for an engineering operation and not a new agricultural building there was no requirement to establish whether the proposed works were ‘reasonably necessary’ for the purposes of agriculture.
The Committee noted the concerns raised however accepted that there was no relevant planning policies on which to refuse the application. The Committee agreed that the Article 4 Direction was attached as an informative.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.
1 |
Ruth Brothwell |
X |
2 |
Pauline Searle |
X |
3 |
Jan Harwood |
X |
4 |
Deborah Seabrook |
X |
5 |
Colin Cross |
X |
6 |
Ramsey Nagaty |
X |
7 |
Angela Goodwin |
X |
8 |
Marsha Moseley |
X |
9 |
Angela Gunning |
X |
10 |
Tony Rooth |
X |
11 |
Liz Hogger |
X |
12 |
Jon Askew |
X |
13 |
Maddy Redpath |
X |
14 |
David Bilbé (was not present for this application) |
10 |
0 |
3 |
In conclusion, having taken account of the representations received in relation to the application, the Committee
RESOLVED to approve application 21/P/00976 subject to the conditions and reasons as detailed in the report and the additional informative referring to the Article 4 Direction as detailed below:
2. The applicant’s attention is drawn to the Article 4 Direction which is currently in place on this land. The applicant is advised to carefully consider the Article 4 Direction before commencing any work at this site.
Supporting documents: