The Overview and Scrutiny
Committee does not make decisions, but
does scrutinise decisions made by the Executive Committee or the
Lead Councillors. The Committee can undertake reviews and in-depth
investigations in order to provide
advice and recommendations.
In general, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
undertakes the following activities:
Scrutinising the decisions of the Executive Committee and Lead Councillors
throughout the decision-making process.
Contributing to policy
development by examining performance and policy outcomes against
local service need and provision.
Reviewing Council services
to ensure they are achieving customer satisfaction, value for money
delivering performance, and meeting standards.
how effectively the
Council delivers services with external agencies.
Appointing sub-committees to fulfil
overview and scrutiny functions.
Maintaining a work programme so as to ensure that the time of the Committee is
effectively and efficiently utilised.
Undertaking investigations into such
matters relating to the Council’s functions and powers
may be referred by the
Council/Leader/Executive; or
(ii) has
been referred to the Committee because of the councillor
“call-in” procedure set out in the Overview and
Scrutiny Procedure Rules in Part 4 of the Constitution.