Agenda and minutes

Special Council Meeting, Council - Thursday, 1st June, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: the Guildhall, High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3AA

Contact: John Armstrong, Democratic Services and Elections Manager  Tel: (01483) 444102


No. Item


Apologies for absence

Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bilal Akhtar, Dawn Bennett, Joss Bigmore, Honor Brooker, Philip Brooker, Matt Furniss, Steven Lee, Richard Lucas, Danielle Newson, Maddy Redpath, Merel Rehorst-Smith, Joanne Shaw, Howard Smith, Katie Steel, Cait Taylor,

James Walsh, Keith Witham and Sue Wyeth-Price.  Apologies were also received from Honorary Aldermen Keith Childs, Catherine Cobley, Sarah Creedy, Jayne Marks, Terence Patrick, Tony Phillips, Lynda Strudwick, Keith Taylor, and Jenny Wicks, and from the Honorary Remembrancer Matthew Alexander.



Disclosures of interest

To receive and note any disclosable pecuniary interests from councillors. In accordance with the local Code of Conduct, a councillor is required to disclose at the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) that they may have in respect of any matter for consideration on this agenda.  Any councillor with a DPI must not participate in any discussion or vote regarding that matter and they must also withdraw from the meeting immediately before consideration of the matter.


If that DPI has not been registered, the councillor must notify the Monitoring Officer of the details of the DPI within 28 days of the date of the meeting.


Councillors are further invited to disclose any non-pecuniary interest which may be relevant to any matter on this agenda, in the interests of transparency, and to confirm that it will not affect their objectivity in relation to that matter.


Additional documents:


There were no disclosures of interest.



Mayor's Communications

To receive any communications or announcements from the Mayor.

Additional documents:


The Mayor reported that, on Sunday 21 May, he had attended the Ukrainian Sunday School at the Hive, Park Barn to celebrate Vyshyvanka Day with local Ukrainian families.  Many of them wore their traditional colourful embroidered shirts.  It had been a very happy occasion, which contrasted with all the dreadful things going on in their country.



Appointment of Honorary Freeman

Following its decision taken on 17 May 2023, the Council is invited to consider and, if deemed appropriate, to pass the following resolution under the provisions of Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972:


"That the title of Honorary Freeman be conferred upon Mr David John Goodwin in recognition of the distinguished and eminent service he has rendered to the Borough of Guildford as a councillor from 1999 to 2023”.


(NB. In order to take effect, Section 249 (5) of the 1972 Act requires the above draft resolution to be passed by no less than two-thirds of the councillors voting thereon at a meeting of the Council specially convened for the purpose.)


David Goodwin was first elected to the Council in 1999 representing the former Friary & St Nicolas ward for the first 16 years and then represented the Onslow ward for the following 8 years.


Throughout his 24 years’ service on the Council, Mr Goodwin served on the Licensing Committee, and was its chairman between 2019 and 2023.  He was also a designated Licensing Sub-Committee chairman from 2007 to 2023.


Mr Goodwin also served a year on the Council’s Executive in 2019-20 as the Lead Councillor for Waste, Licensing, and Parking.


He was also Vice-Chairman of the Guildford Joint Committee in 2022, Vice-Chairman of the former Building & Works Committee in 2000/01 and Deputy Vice-Chairman in 1999/00.


Mr Goodwin was also a member of the following committees: 



Arts and Recreation


Building & Works Committee


Corporate Governance & Standards Committee




Guildford Joint Committee


Licensing Committee (and predecessor committee)


Licensing Sub-Committee


Overview & Scrutiny Committee





Policy Panel (Leisure):



In addition, Mr Goodwin has served on a number of external bodies and organisations as the Council’s representative, including:


External Body/Organisation


Governor of St Nicolas CE Infants School:


Guildford Sports Council:


Guildford/Freiburg Association Executive Committee:




Guildford Taxi Advisory Group:


Hilliers Charity*:


Town Centre Licensing Forum:



(*after 2019, Mr Goodwin continued to serve as a trustee on the Hilliers Charity in a personal capacity)


In addition to his service as a borough councillor, Mr Goodwin was also a member of Surrey County Council for 16 years from 2005-2021.  His division covered the area comprising the former Friary & St Nicolas and Onslow Wards. As their county councillor, Mr Goodwin worked with the Wodeland Action Group for 10 years before Surrey County Council and the police agreed to introduce one of the first 20mph zones in Guildford Town, adding to the safety of local residents.


Additional documents:


Before proceeding to the principal business of the meeting, the Council heard a summary of the origins, history, and development of the office of Honorary Freeman.


Upon the motion of Councillor Fiona White, seconded by Councillor Julia McShane, the Council unanimously


RESOLVED: That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of Honorary Freeman be conferred upon David John Goodwin in recognition of the distinguished and eminent service he has rendered to the Borough of Guildford as a councillor from 1999 to 2023.


In the absence of Mr Goodwin due to ill health, the Mayor presented a commemorative Scroll of Freedom to his wife, Councillor Angela Goodwin.