Venue: Council Chamber, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB. View directions
Contact: John Armstrong, Democratic Services and Elections Manager Tel: (01483) 444102
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Christopher Barrass, Colin Cross, Andrew Gomm David Goodwin, Steven Lee, Nigel Manning, Julia McShane, Ann McShee, and Marsha Moseley, and also from Honorary Aldermen Catherine Cobley, Jayne Marks, Terence Patrick, Tony Phillips, Lynda Strudwick, and Jenny Wicks.
Disclosures of interest To receive and note any disclosable pecuniary interests from councillors. In accordance with the local Code of Conduct, a councillor is required to disclose at the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) that they may have in respect of any matter for consideration on this agenda. Any councillor with a DPI must not participate in any discussion or vote regarding that matter and they must also withdraw from the meeting immediately before consideration of the matter.
If that DPI has not been registered, the councillor must notify the Monitoring Officer of the details of the DPI within 28 days of the date of the meeting.
Councillors are further invited to disclose any non-pecuniary interest which may be relevant to any matter on this agenda, in the interests of transparency, and to confirm that it will not affect their objectivity in relation to that matter.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest.
To confirm the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 22 September 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council confirmed, as a correct record, the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 22 September 2022. The Mayor signed the minutes.
Mayor's Communications To receive any communications or announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor reported that he recently had the pleasure, together with the children of Wyke School Council, of burying a time capsule commemorating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s II reign. This would be recovered and opened in 70 years’ time.
The Mayor was disappointed that not more councillors were able to be present for the Service for the Judiciary held on 7 October 2022. The Mayor noted that it had been a fine occasion supporting the High Sheriff, a former Honorary Recorder of Guildford.
The Mayor informed councillors that the next event in support of his nominated Charity was Call My Wine Bluff on Saturday 19 November 2022, for which tickets were still available from Kate Foxton. The Mayor hoped that councillors would raise teams to participate in the event.
The Mayor reminded councillors that a short service would be held at the Guildhall at 10.30am on Friday 11 November 2022 to mark Armistice Day, and that Guildford’s Annual Service of Remembrance would take place at Holy Trinity Church at 9.45am on Sunday 13 November 2022. The Mayor asked councillors who had not yet responded to the annual request for volunteers to sell poppies in the town over the 4 and 5 November 2022 to please do so as soon as possible.
Election of Leader of the Council Following the resignation of Councillor Joss Bigmore as Leader of the Council on 22 September 2022, there is a vacancy in the position of Leader. In accordance with Article 6 of the Constitution, the new Leader will be elected at the first meeting of the Council following such vacancy for a term of office expiring on the day of the post- election annual meeting which follows his or her election.
The Council will receive the report of the Democratic Services and Elections Manager on nominations received in respect of the election of the Leader of the Council.
Council Procedure Rule 21 (b) requires that a councillor proposing to nominate another councillor as Leader must notify the Democratic Services and Elections Manager of their nomination before the meeting at which the election is to be held.
As at the date of publication of this agenda, one nomination had been received as follows: Councillor Julia McShane (proposed by Councillor Steven Lee).
Any further nominations received will be reported on the Order Paper.
Additional documents: Minutes: Following the resignation of Councillor Joss Bigmore as Leader of the Council on 22 September 2022, the Democratic Services and Elections Manager reported that Councillor Tom Hunt had proposed, and Councillor Joss Bigmore had seconded, the nomination of Councillor Julia McShane for election as the Leader of the Council.
Following comments from councillors in respect of the nomination, the Council
RESOLVED: That Councillor Julia McShane be elected Leader of the Council for a period ending on the day of the next post-election annual meeting of the Council.
Leader's Communications including appointment of Deputy Leader and Lead Councillors on the Executive The newly elected Leader of the Council to announce the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Lead Councillors on the Executive and the titles of the portfolios assigned to them, together with any other communications or announcements.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor informed the Council that Councillor Julia McShane had indicated that, upon her election as Leader, it was her intention to announce the appointment of Councillor Joss Bigmore as Deputy Leader and to make no other changes to the Executive. That being the case, the Mayor asked the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore to comment on the Leader’s communications on behalf of the newly elected Leader of the Council.
The Deputy Leader made a statement in response to a number of enquiries from councillors regarding how the Council, together with other authorities and partners, could help residents across the borough with the impact of the cost of living crisis.
The Household Support Fund was about to enter a third tranche of central government funding that would be administered by the Community Services team to those in need. Residents would be able to access the simple application process online via the Council’s website and for those who were unable to access internet services, there would be team based at the Hive able to help residents complete the process on the telephone or in person. Details of the application process for this third tranche of funding would be shared via the website and through community and partnership contacts. Residents in need were encouraged to get in touch if they required support. All applications would be treated confidentially.
All residents across the borough were also able to access the community fridge and thrive at the hive pre-loved donation bank for help with food and household items and clothing. Residents could also seek help from the Community Services team to access other community fridges in the borough as well as food bank support. To help the foodbanks reach as many people as possible, the Council would also provide delivery support to the North Guildford Foodbank via its community transport, for those who were unable to collect food parcels in person from the foodbank.
With rising energy costs placing many residents at risk of fuel poverty, the Council would be offering the Hive as a warm space during working hours for those in need, as well as the fuel voucher support scheme in partnership with Warmth Matters. A free cup of coffee or tea would be available and on Wednesdays the team would be offering soup. Surrey County Council were coordinating warm hubs across the county and this Council was supporting them in identifying other warm hubs in Guildford. At these hubs, including the Hive, the County Council would provide energy and debt advice as well as supplies of hot water bottles and blankets.
To further help residents access the support they need, the Council was hosting a community forum for partnership agencies and community groups that would coordinate a cost-of-living support offer so that residents could be directed to the most appropriate source of support.
In response to comments and questions from councillors, the Deputy Leader:
(a) confirmed that a list of warm hubs to be established across the borough ... view the full minutes text for item CO56 |
Public participation To receive questions or statements from the public. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions or statements from the public.
Questions from Councillors To hear questions (if any) from councillors of which due notice has been given. Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Councillor George Potter asked the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, Councillor John Rigg, the following question:
“A new sewage treatment works for Guildford was due to be completed by 2025 as part of the Weyside Urban Village project. However, this has now been delayed and is sufficiently behind schedule that the Weyside Urban Village project now has an Amber-Red ranking due to these delays.
The current Moorfield sewage treatment works has a maximum capacity of 89,810 pe (people equivalent). As early as 2018 figures show that the works was serving 99,200 pe, meaning that it has been significantly overcapacity for many years.
What is the latest estimated completion date for the replacement sewage treatment works?
What actions are being undertaken to ensure adequate supply of sewage capacity for Guildford until the new sewage treatment works is completed?
What discussions are the lead member and officers, as representatives of the municipal authority, having with Thames Water about ensuring Thames Water meets their obligations under Section 93 of the Water Industry Act?
What has been the outcome of any such discussions to date?
The Lead Councillor’s response to the question is as follows:
The Thames Water New Sewage Treatment Works (NSTW) is funded by the Weyside Project however, programme and delivery is the responsibility of Thames Water. The amber risk rating relates to the delivery of the facility and is a prudent industry measure at this stage of the project.
Delay to submission of the Thames Water Planning Application to SCC has been caused by a late consultation response from the Environment Agency.
Thames Water Programme milestones as below;
Contractor procurement; August 2021 – Achieved Planning application submission; January 2022 – Achieved Planning Committee; August 2022 - Delayed Revised Planning Committee; 26 October 2022 – Subject to SCC report Planning Consent issue; November 2022- Subject to SCC Planning Committee Site Establishment; January 2023 Construction start; February 2023 Construction end; April 2025 Commissioning; August 2026 Transfer Existing Sewage Treatment Works to GBC; September 2026
To summarise, Thames Water are targeting completion of the NSTW in April 2025 with commissioning completed by August 2026, as per the original programme. This will be achieved by re scheduling initial site activities subject to achieving a timely consent from SCC.
The Weyside team and GBC officers manage the relationship and monitor both financial and milestone progress of design and construction of the NSTW, as set out in the legal agreement dated 30 April 2019 between The Council and Thames Water.
The team do not have any jurisdiction to discuss Thames Water’s obligations under Section 93 of the Water Industry Act. This is the role of the Water Services Regulation Authority; Ofwat.”
In response to a supplementary question which sought clarification in respect of the Amber-Red status and a response in relation to the Council’s obligations under Section 78 of the Water Industry Act 1991, and the likelihood of sewage pollution of the River Wey due to the water authority not meeting its statutory obligations, the Lead Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item CO58 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council noted that it was required to conduct the next review of councillors’ allowances in 2023 following the local elections. Under The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (“the 2003 Regulations”), the Council must appoint an independent remuneration panel to make recommendations as to the type and level of allowances to be included in the next scheme of allowances for councillors. The Council had a duty to have regard to the panel’s recommendations. Waverley Borough Council was also committed to conduct a review of allowances for its councillors following next year’s local elections. Taking account of the current collaborative arrangements for joint working between Guildford and Waverley, the Corporate Management Board had supported the principle of establishing a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to conduct separate reviews of the allowances payable to councillors of both authorities and make separate recommendations to both councils. The panel would also act as a parish remuneration panel and would be required to produce a separate report collectively for the parish councils in Guildford borough and another report for the town and parish councils in Waverley borough. The Council considered a report which set out a proposal to establish a joint independent remuneration panel, and had sought approval of its proposed terms of reference, a process for the recruitment of members to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel (including the suggested re-appointment of three persons who had served previously on the independent remuneration panels for both Guildford and Waverley), level of honorarium to be paid to each panel member, and a proposed timetable for the appointment process and for the review itself next year. Waverley Borough Council had delegated authority to its Monitoring Officer to establish an Independent Remuneration Panel. Waverley’s Monitoring Officer would be invited to agree the process for the appointment of a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel as described in the report. At its meeting on 22 September 2022 the Executive had considered this matter and had endorsed the recommendations in the report. Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore, seconded by the Councillor Tom Hunt, the Council
RESOLVED: (1) That the Council agrees to establish jointly with Waverley Borough Council a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel to conduct a review and make recommendations to each council on their respective scheme of allowances for councillors in 2023. (2) That the draft terms of reference of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel, attached as Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Council, be approved. (3) That, subject to confirmation of their continued eligibility for appointment, Vivienne Cameron, Dennis Frost, and Gordon Manickam be appointed to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel for a period of up to four years commencing with the 2023-24 municipal year. (4) That the Democratic Services and Elections Manager be authorised to advertise for candidates from the general public and a wide range of organisations, including the local business community and voluntary organisations, for the appointment of up to two other members of the ... view the full minutes text for item CO59 |
Review of Numerical Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups: 2022-23 PDF 117 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report on the review of the allocation of seats on committees, which had been conducted following receipt by the proper officer (Democratic Services and Elections Manager) on 27 September 2022 of notice in writing from Councillor Diana Jones that, with immediate effect, she no longer wished to be treated as a member of the Residents for Guildford and Villages group and wished to be regarded as a member of the Green Party.
Consequently, the political balance on the Council was now:
Guildford Liberal Democrats: 16 Residents for Guildford and Villages: 15 Conservatives: 8 Guildford Greenbelt Group: 4 Labour: 2 Green: 1 Independent: 1 Vacancy: 1
Under Council Procedure Rule 23, whenever there was a change in the political constitution of the Council, the Council must, as soon as reasonably practicable, review the allocation of seats on committees to political groups.
The report included a suggested numerical allocation of seats on committees to political groups that would best meet, as far as reasonably practicable, the requirements for political balance.
Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore, seconded by the Councillor Tom Hunt, the Council
RESOLVED: That the numerical allocation of seats on committees to each political group on the Council, and to the single Green Party member and independent member, as set out below be approved pending a further review at the 6 December Council meeting following the outcome of the Tillingbourne ward by-election:
Timetable of Council and Committee Meetings 2023-24 PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report on the proposed timetable of Council and Committee meetings for the 2023-24 municipal year.
The proposed timetable had been drafted in consultation with Waverley Borough Council to avoid, as far as practicable, diary conflicts for the Joint Management Team.
The Executive had also considered the report at its meeting on 22 September 2022 and had recommended approval of the timetable as appended to the report.
Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore, seconded by the Councillor Tom Hunt, the Council
RESOLVED: That the proposed timetable of Council and Committee meetings for the 2023-24 municipal year, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Council, be approved.
Reason: To assist with the preparation of individual committee work programmes.
Appointment of Honorary Freeman PDF 112 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report on a nomination received for the appointment of Mr Keith Churchouse as Honorary Freeman of the Borough. Councillors were reminded that, under the Council’s adopted Protocol on the appointment, role, status, rights and obligations of Honorary Freemen and Honorary Aldermen, a person shall be deemed eligible for appointment as an honorary freeman provided that they met all of the following requirements:
The person shall:
· be a person of distinction · have given eminent service to the borough; and · have a strong and continuing connection with and commitment to the borough of Guildford, or have made a major contribution to national life and in doing so have enhanced the reputation of the borough.
Details of Mr Churchouse’s eminent and distinguished service to the Borough, were appended to the report submitted to the Council.
Councillor John Redpath proposed, and Councillor Paul Spooner seconded the following motion:
“That a special meeting of the Council be convened on Thursday 1 December 2022 at 7pm at the Guildhall for the purpose of conferring upon Mr Keith Churchouse the title of Honorary Freeman”.
During the debate on the motion, Councillor George Potter proposed, and Councillor Tony Rooth seconded, a procedural motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12 (x), to postpone consideration of the above-mentioned motion until the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
Following a debate on the procedural motion, it was put to the vote and was lost.
The Council therefore continued the debate on the original motion, and
RESOLVED:That a special meeting of the Council be convened on Thursday 1 December 2022 at 7pm at the Guildhall for the purpose of conferring upon Mr Keith Churchouse the title of Honorary Freeman.
Reason: To recognise formally Mr Churchouse’s eminent and distinguished service to the Borough of Guildford.
Minutes of the Executive PDF 124 KB To receive and note the attached minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 23 June, 21 July, and 25 August 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received and noted the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 23 June, 21 July, and 25 August 2022.
Exclusion of the Public The Council is asked the consider passing the following resolution:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that It involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in paragraphs 1 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the 1972 Act.” Additional documents: Minutes: Upon the motion of The Mayor, Councillor Dennis Booth, seconded by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah the Council
RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the business contained in agenda item 15 on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in paragraphs 1 and 4 of Schedule 12A to the 1972 Act.
Approval of Termination Payment above £95,000 Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s adopted Pay Policy Statement, the Council was invited to consider a proposed redundancy termination payment which exceeded the £95,000 threshold.
Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore, seconded by Councillor Tom Hunt, the Council
RESOLVED: That the Council approves the proposed termination payment associated with the redundancy of Post No. PO10033, in the total sum referred to in the table in paragraph 3.1 of the report submitted to the Council.
Reason: The post-holder had been invited to express his interest in an Executive Head of Service post; however, he confirmed that he did not wish to be considered for these appointments. Approval for his redundancy termination pay was therefore needed.
Common seal To order the Common Seal to be affixed to any document to give effect to any decision taken by the Council at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council
RESOLVED: That the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to any documents to give effect to any decisions taken by the Council at this meeting.