Venue: Council Chamber, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB. View directions
Contact: Carrie Anderson, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Julia McShane. Councillors Vanessa King, Sue Wyeth-Price and Catherine Young were in remote attendance. |
Local Code of Conduct - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest In accordance with the local Code of Conduct, a councillor is required to disclose at the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) that they may have in respect of any matter for consideration on this agenda. Any councillor with a DPI must not participate in any discussion or vote regarding that matter and they must also withdraw from the meeting immediately before consideration of the matter. If that DPI has not been registered, the councillor must notify the Monitoring Officer of the details of the DPI within 28 days of the date of the meeting. Councillors are further invited to disclose any non-pecuniary interest which may be relevant to any matter on this agenda, in the interests of transparency, and to confirm that it will not affect their objectivity in relation to that matter. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 15 July 2024. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 were confirmed as correct. The Chairman signed the minutes. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 were confirmed as correct. The Chairman signed the minutes. |
Leader's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council made the following announcements: Following the recruitment process and interviews with the Guildford and Waverley Joint Senior Staff Committee the council had appointed two people to join our Joint Leadership Team. Congratulations to Julian Higson, who had been permanently appointed as Strategic Director, Housing, Communities and Environment. Ezra Wallace would join as Strategic Director, Economy, Planning and Place in the autumn. Ezra was currently Director of Policy and Projects at Westminster City Council. Getting the community involved was an important part of our Ash Road Bridge project. During July, community groups and students from Ash Manor School were invited on site to find out how the bridge was progressing. Such events contributed to the social value for the project. Social value was about giving something back to the community. The visits were the latest in a range of activities that our contractor, VolkerFitzpatrick Limited (VFL) had organised in Ash. They had also raised an amazing £15,000 to help fund a youth worker for the Ash Youth Club. You can find out more about the Ash Road Bridge project our website. The countdown for Pride in Surrey 2024 had begun. On Saturday 21 September Surrey’s annual Pride event would take place in Guildford’s magnificent Stoke Park. The event would start in the morning with a colourful Pride Parade marching through our historic Town Centre and would finish at Stoke Park for the main event. Would you like to take part in the Parade? You can find out more on the Pride in DeputSurrey website Join us on Sunday, 29 September 2024, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm for the first-ever Cleaner Air Day. Happening in Guildford town centre, this event was a free family fun day to celebrate and learn ways we can all help improve air quality. More information about Cleaner Air Day in Guildford is on the Visit Surrey website. |
Adoption of the Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments SPD PDF 75 KB Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive adopted the Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 1 to the report. Reason(s): Adopting the SPD would support implementation of adopted LPDMP Policy ID6: Open Space in New Developments. The SPD described the types and standards of open space required in new developments and explained, with worked examples, how the amounts of onsite open space and financial contributions in lieu required by the policy are calculated. This advice would provide increased certainty to developers. The SPD would replace extant guidance on open space in the Planning Contributions SPD 2017. Other options considered and rejected by the Executive: To reject the SPD or instruct officers to make amendments and resubmit the document to Executive. Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted: None. Minutes: The Executive noted that the draft SPD was a comprehensive document and had been through a robust consultation process. Consequently, the Executive, RESOLVED: To adopt the Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 1 to the report. Reason(s): Adopting the SPD would support implementation of adopted LPDMP Policy ID6: Open Space in New Developments. The SPD described the types and standards of open space required in new developments and explained, with worked examples, how the amounts of onsite open space and financial contributions in lieu required by the policy are calculated. This advice would provide increased certainty to developers. The SPD would replace extant guidance on open space in the Planning Contributions SPD 2017. |
Guildford Borough LCWIP Report Endorsement PDF 337 KB Additional documents: Decision: 1. The Executive endorsed the LCWIP Report subject to clarification of the detail in respect of the proposal for the inclusion of CWZ18 (Station Parade, East Horsley) with proposals for CWZ29 (Bishopsmead Parade); and subject to confirmation of the deadline for the inclusion of any new sites to Phase 1 for which local funding could be available. 2. That the Joint Strategic Director Economy, Planning and Place be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor with portfolio responsibility for Planning Policy, to make such minor alterations to improve the clarity of the LCWIP as they may deem necessary. Reason(s): 1. Endorsement would enable SCC as the Local Transport Authority to adopt the report through their democratic process by showing Borough ‘buy-in’ to the report. 2. To enable SCC to access DfT funding and other funding streams for active travel infrastructure development. 3. To endorse the report would align with the Council’s corporate objectives and planning policy on transport, climate change and air quality. 4. The endorsement would give greater planning weight to the LCWIP Report at planning determination and provide an updated borough-wide network plan for walking & cycling. 5. To enable minor alterations to be made to the LCWIP should they be necessary prior to publication. 6. The Executive considered the questions raised by Councillor Catherine Young required clarification. Other options considered and rejected by the Executive: Do not endorse the LCWIP Report. This may delay the potential for future investment in walking and cycling. Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted: None. Minutes: The LCWIP Report was the first stage in the process to provide an improved strategic, evidence-based basis to future investment in active travel in the Borough. The Executive noted that the draft LCWIP was an SCC document and endorsement was sought from the GBC Executive prior to adoption. GBC had contributed £20,000 to the scheme but no additional funding was sought. There had been no statutory consultation but the document had been discussed extensively at local level to produce a comprehensive document. It was intended the Highways authority would take forward the concept designs set out in the report to feasibility stage at which time funding would be sought. Councillor Catherine Young was in attendance and expressed concern in respect of the proposals for East Horsley and queried the potential to add further locally funded sites to the Phase 1 document. Although the Executive would prefer to receive member questions in advance of the meeting, it was content to take forward those queries to SCC for clarification. Consequently, the Executive, RESOLVED: 1. To endorse the LCWIP Report subject to clarification of the detail in respect of the proposal for the inclusion of CWZ18 (Station Parade, East Horsley) with proposals for CWZ29 (Bishopsmead Parade); and subject to confirmation of the deadline for the inclusion of any new sites to Phase 1 for which local funding could be available. 2. That the Joint Strategic Director Economy, Planning and Place be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor with portfolio responsibility for Planning Policy, to make such minor alterations to improve the clarity of the LCWIP as they may deem necessary. Reason(s): 1. Endorsement would enable SCC as the Local Transport Authority to adopt the report through their democratic process by showing Borough ‘buy-in’ to the report. 2. To enable SCC to access DfT funding and other funding streams for active travel infrastructure development. 3. To endorse the report would align with the Council’s corporate objectives and planning policy on transport, climate change and air quality. 4. The endorsement would give greater planning weight to the LCWIP Report at planning determination and provide an updated borough-wide network plan for walking & cycling. 5. To enable minor alterations to be made to the LCWIP should they be necessary prior to publication. 6. The Executive considered the questions raised by Councillor Catherine Young required clarification. |
Replacement / upgrade of various car park payment equipment PDF 105 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That Executive recommended to the Extraordinary Full Council meeting on 13 August 2024 that Council: 2. Approve funding up to £250k from the capital car park maintenance reserve budget to fund a replacement/upgrade to the pay and display (P&D) car park payment equipment. 3. Authorise the Assistant Director, Commercial Services, in consultation with the Joint Strategic Director, Finance, to take any action in relation to the procurement and letting of contracts in respect to the P&D equipment, this could be undertaken as a joint procurement by GBC and WBC to obtain best value for both councils. 4. Authorise the Assistant Director, Commercial Services, in consultation with the Joint Strategic Director, Finance, to take any action in relation to the procurement and letting of contracts to replace the PoF equipment, which could be combined with the P&D procurement to enable suppliers that offer both systems to bid and maximise the procurement opportunity for the Council. Reason(s): Reason(s) for Recommendation: 1. The existing PoF car park payment equipment was 13 years old and maintenance, upkeep and the availability of spares was becoming increasingly problematic. Replacement equipment would allow for the introduction of a modern, ticketless, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system providing an improved service to customers, greater opportunities to future-proof payment provision and offer flexibility to maximise income generation, better business intelligence and reduced maintenance issues. 2. Most of the existing P&D car park payment equipment was around 10 years old. Although maintenance, upkeep and the availability of spares were not currently problematic, over the course of the next few years, this was likely to become more of an issue. More importantly, the replacement / upgrade would expand the availability of contactless technology across all pay and display car parks, providing an improved range of payment options / service for customers, the ability to introduce ticketless parking and provide greater opportunities to future-proof payment provision and offer flexibility to maximise income generation and reduced maintenance issues. 3. A joint procurement by GBC and WBC for the P&D equipment would help derive best value through economies of scale and further increase alignment of the equipment and systems that the two organisations use. Recently GBC and WBC had adopted the same handheld enforcement devices, back-office penalty, and permit processing software and both Councils had recently taken the decision for GBC to perform enforcement duties in WBC’s off-street car parks. Combining the P&D and PoF procurements, allowing suppliers that offer both systems to bid, could help derive further savings even if their respective implementations follow slightly different timelines. Other options considered and rejected by the Executive: Do nothing or do only some of the recommendations. Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted: None. Minutes: The Executive considered a report that sought authority to use capital funds within the car park maintenance reserve to fund the procurement and acquisition of new car park payment equipment across all council run car parks. There was a significant risk to the council’s revenue income should the equipment fail. The ‘pay and display’ equipment replacement was proposed as a joint procurement exercise with Waverley Borough Council. An Extraordinary meeting of full Council had been scheduled for 13 August to receive the recommendations of the Executive. The proposals were described by the portfolio holder as a good example of how the collaboration between the two councils would bring procurement savings, increase income, offer alternative revenue streams and improve customer service to the residents of both boroughs. The capital expenditure requested reflected just 1% of the projected revenue income over a ten-year period. The Executive, RESOLVED: That Executive recommended to the Extraordinary Full Council meeting on 13 August 2024 that Council: 2. Approve funding up to £250k from the capital car park maintenance reserve budget to fund a replacement/upgrade to the pay and display (P&D) car park payment equipment. 3. Authorise the Assistant Director, Commercial Services, in consultation with the Joint Strategic Director, Finance, to take any action in relation to the procurement and letting of contracts in respect to the P&D equipment, this could be undertaken as a joint procurement by GBC and WBC to obtain best value for both councils. 4. Authorise the Assistant Director, Commercial Services, in consultation with the Joint Strategic Director, Finance, to take any action in relation to the procurement and letting of contracts to replace the PoF equipment, which could be combined with the P&D procurement to enable suppliers that offer both systems to bid and maximise the procurement opportunity for the Council. Reason(s): Reason(s) for Recommendation: 1. The existing PoF car park payment equipment was 13 years old and maintenance, upkeep and the availability of spares was becoming increasingly problematic. Replacement equipment would allow for the introduction of a modern, ticketless, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system providing an improved service to customers, greater opportunities to future-proof payment provision and offer flexibility to maximise income generation, better business intelligence and reduced maintenance issues. 2. Most of the existing P&D car park payment equipment was around 10 years old. Although maintenance, upkeep and the availability of spares were not currently problematic, over the course of the next few years, this was likely to become more of an issue. More importantly, the replacement / upgrade would expand the availability of contactless technology across all pay and display car parks, providing an improved range of payment options / service for customers, the ability to introduce ticketless parking and provide greater opportunities to future-proof payment provision and offer flexibility to maximise income generation and reduced maintenance ... view the full minutes text for item EX37 |
Review of Executive Working Groups 2024-25 PDF 85 KB Additional documents:
Decision: 1. Approved the membership and terms of reference for the Executive working groups recommended to continue as set out in the appendices to the report; 2. Agreed to dissolve the Financial Recovery Executive Working Group and the HRA Housing Management HRA Board; and, 3. Established the Housing Operations Board and approve its terms of reference and membership. Reason(s): To assist the Executive to select or set up appropriate, properly resourced groups to provide support or undertake work on its behalf. Other options considered and rejected by the Executive: None. Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted: None. Minutes: It was noted that in every case, apart from the Strategic Projects and Programmes Board (SPPB), the Executive working groups voluntarily had a cross-party membership. The SPPB was the Executive itself sitting to receive reports from the four cross-party Delivery Boards. Minutes, if taken, might be available more widely at each working group chairman’s discretion. Each working group had its own terms of reference where any substitute membership arrangements would be set out. Constitutionally, there were no specific arrangements for the Executive to adhere to in regard to its working groups. The Executive, RESOLVED: 1. To approve the membership and terms of reference for the Executive working groups recommended to continue as set out in the appendices to the report; 2. To agree to dissolve the Financial Recovery Executive Working Group and the HRA Housing Management HRA Board; and, 3. To establish the Housing Operations Board and approve its terms of reference and membership. Reason(s): To assist the Executive to select or set up appropriate, properly resourced groups to provide support or undertake work on its behalf. |