G-Live and Leisure Management Scrutiny Working Groups
To consider the re-establishment of working groups to scrutinise the Council’s G-Live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring and report back to the Committee.
[For information, the Council entered into a ten-year contract and lease to operate G Live with HQ Theatres Guildford Limited (HQT), ending on 30 September 2021. The Council’s asset management responsibilities are for maintaining, repairing, and replacing the structural parts and the access road. HQT [since acquired by Trafalgar Entertainment] are responsible for all other maintenance and replacement items for the building and equipment. This contract was extended to September 2024.
The Council entered into a 10-year Leisure Partnership Agreement (LPA) with Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL) with effect from 1 November 2011, to deliver leisure services throughout the borough at Guildford Spectrum, Guildford Lido and Ash Manor Sports Centre. GLL has sub-contracted elements of the service to Wealden Leisure Limited trading as Freedom Leisure. The contract was extended to the end of October 2023 and a further (and final) two years is under consideration.]
Additional documents:
The Chair introduced the item and asked if the Committee agreed the re-establishment of the two working groups to scrutinise the council’s G-Live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring. The meeting was advised that overview and scrutiny had reviewed the contracts monitoring in this way for several years.
RESOLVED: That two working groups be established to scrutinise the Council’s G-Live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
G-Live and Leisure Management Scrutiny Working Group
To consider the establishment of a working group to scrutinise the Council’s G-Live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring and report back to the Committee. Since 2016, one group has undertaken this role, but there is the option for two separate groups. The group’s membership for 2018-19 was Councillors Christiansen, Phillips, Sarti, and Searle.
[For information, the Council entered into a ten-year contract and lease to operate G Live with HQ Theatres Guildford Limited (HQT), ending on 30 September 2021. The Council’s asset management responsibilities are for maintaining, repairing, and replacing the structural parts and the access road. HQT are responsible for all other maintenance and replacement items for the building and equipment.
The Council entered into a 10 year Leisure Partnership Agreement (LPA) with Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL) with effect from 1 November 2011, to deliver leisure services throughout the borough at Guildford Spectrum, Guildford Lido and Ash Manor Sports Centre. GLL has sub-contracted elements of the service to Wealden Leisure Limited trading as Freedom Leisure.]
Additional documents:
The Chairman confirmed that the Committee was being asked to consider the establishment of a working group to scrutinise the Council’s G-live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring and report back to the Committee.
The Lead Councillor for Leisure, Heritage, Tourism, and PR and Communications suggested that two working groups would be preferable to one.
RESOLVED: That two working groups be established to scrutinise the Council’s G-Live and Leisure Partnership Agreement contracts monitoring and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.