Issue - meetings

Shalford Common Land Management

Meeting: 07/01/2020 - Executive (Item 77)

77 Shalford Common Land Management pdf icon PDF 400 KB

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The Executive




(1)         That the options for seven priority areas on the Common, as set out in the report submitted to the Executive, be put forward for public consultation.

(2)         That an action plan be implemented to comply with commons legislation for car parking, access, leisure activities and highway improvements.

(3)         That a public consultation be carried out as part of the action plan

(4)         That the introduction of new byelaws and revocation of existing byelaws for Shalford Common to support the proposed actions be approved in principle, subject to approval of full Council



·        Compliance withGuildford Borough Council’s statutory obligations as land owner to protect Shalford Common from encroachments in line with the Commons Act 2006 including the prevention of unauthorised parking

·        Reduction of conflicts and complaints regarding un-authorised car parking

·        Provision of car parking areas compliant with the Commons Act 2006 

·        Protection of biodiversity on Shalford Common which is a designated SNCI

Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:




The Lead Councillor for Countryside, Rural Life and the Arts introduced the report.


It was noted that Shalford Common was registered as common land and that Guildford Borough Council as the freehold owner had a duty to protect and manage the Common as set out in the Commons Act 2006. The Council had been in receipt of complaints about car parking on the Common over many years and such activity was in breach of commons legislation. In response, the Executive was asked to consider measures drawn up in an action plan in respect of car parking, access onto the Common, leisure activities and highway improvements to ensure the council was in compliance with its statutory duty to protect the Common and to reduce the number of local conflicts and complaints.


It was proposed that such measures be applied to seven priority areas and consist of a combination of designated car parking, physical measures to prevent unauthorised access and the enforcement of such through new byelaws. Public consultation would be a statutory requirement to introduce new byelaws and the proposed changes to registered Common Land.


Public speaker, Mr Ivor Thomas described the area of the Common around the village sign as still vulnerable to parking damage and that provision for parking in support of local business was adequately provided in Kings Road without designating a part of the Common into parking bays.


The meeting was also addressed by the Chairman of Shalford Parish Council, a local businessman and an ex-parish councillor for Shalford who expressed their views on the proposals. The Lead Councillor welcomed their views and the forthcoming public consultation which would provide the opportunity to capture the opinion of users of the Common.



The Executive




(1)       That the options for seven priority areas on the Common, as set out in the report submitted to the Executive, be put forward for public consultation.


(2)       That an action plan be implemented to comply with commons legislation for car parking, access, leisure activities and highway improvements.


(3)       That a public consultation be carried out as part of the action plan.


(4)       That the introduction of new byelaws and revocation of existing byelaws for Shalford Common to support the proposed actions be approved in principle, subject to approval of full Council.



·         Compliance with Guildford Borough Council’s statutory obligations as landowner to protect Shalford Common from encroachments in line with the Commons Act 2006 including the prevention of unauthorised parking

·         Reduction of conflicts and complaints regarding un-authorised car parking

·         Provision of car parking areas compliant with the Commons Act 2006 

·         Protection of biodiversity on Shalford Common which is a designated SNCI