110 Adoption of the Guildford Borough Local Plan: Strategy and Sites PDF 380 KB
Some appendices to this report are very large files. Smaller files, which will be quicker to download, are available on the Local Plan web page: https://www.guildford.gov.uk/newlocalplan/examination
Additional documents:
The Council noted that the Submission Local Plan: strategy and sites (“the Local Plan”), which had been submitted to the Secretary of State on 13 December 2017, outlined the spatial development strategy for the borough up to 2034. The Local Plan had set out the quantum and location of development based on an evaluation of our objectively assessed need (OAN) for new homes, employment and retail space and an assessment of whether this quantum of development can be provided in a sustainable way following consideration of other policy constraints.
The Local Plan was also concerned with the protection and enhancement of our environment, the provision of appropriate infrastructure to support the planned growth of the borough and the promotion of sustainable transport.
As part of the Examination in public, the Local Plan had been the subject of an initial 12 days of hearing sessions, in June/July 2018, into those issues the Inspector had considered necessary to explore further with all relevant parties. The Inspector had reached an interim conclusion that, subject to making necessary main modifications, which included the identification of further housing sites in the Green Belt, the plan could be found to be ‘sound’. The necessary main modifications were made to the plan and underwent a formal consultation for a 6-week period in late 2018. The consultation related to only the main modifications and not to minor modifications or the remainder of the plan. On completion of the consultation, the Inspector had considered the representations and decided it was necessary to reopen the hearing sessions to consider whether the OAN should be altered and whether the further housing sites were needed in light of new information, namely the 2016 based household projections. Two further hearing days were held in February 2019 that focused on the OAN and consequential changes to the plan. The Inspector then closed the hearing sessions and prepared his report.
The Inspector’s draft report had been received by the Council on 19 March 2019 and was subject to a ‘fact check’. This check allowed the Council the opportunity to query the accuracy of its contents, but it was not an opportunity to question the Inspector’s conclusions or findings. The Inspector’s final report, a copy of which was appended to the report submitted to the Council, had been published by the Council on 28 March 2019.
The Inspector’s report had focused on 11 main issues upon which he considered the soundness of the plan depended. The Inspector had concluded that, with the recommended main modifications (details of which were also appended to the report submitted to the Council), the Guildford Borough Local Plan: strategy and sites satisfied the requirements of Section 20(5) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and met the criteria for soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework. In particular, the Inspector had concluded that, in light of the 2016 based household projections, the further housing sites in the Green Belt were not necessary to be included in the Local Plan to ... view the full minutes text for item 110
Adoption of the Guildford Borough Local Plan: Strategy and Sites
This special meeting has been convened to enable the Executive to consider the report and accompanying documents with regard to the Guildford Borough Local Plan: Strategies and Sites and to make recommendations to full Council, which will consider the matter at its extraordinary meeting to be held on Thursday 25 April 2019 at 7pm.
In order to avoid the cost of printing the Local Plan documents for both the Executive and full Council agendas, the full set of documents has only been printed for the extraordinary Council meeting, copies of which will be available for all councillors.
Councillors attending the special Executive meeting are therefore requested to bring their agenda for the extraordinary Council meeting with them.
Additional documents:
In accordance with Public Speaking Procedure Rule 3(g), Mrs Helen Jefferies (Wisley Action Group) addressed the Executive prior to consideration of this matter, and answered questions from councillors.
The Executive considered the report and accompanying appendices on the Submission Local Plan: strategy and sites (“the Local Plan”) that would be considered formally by full Council at its extraordinary meeting to be held later in the day.
The Local Plan, which had been submitted to the Secretary of State on 13 December 2017, outlined the spatial development strategy for the borough up to 2034. The Local Plan had also set out the quantum and location of development based on an evaluation of objectively assessed need (OAN) for new homes, employment and retail space and an assessment of whether this quantum of development could be provided in a sustainable way following consideration of other policy constraints.
The Local Plan was also concerned with the protection and enhancement of the local environment, the provision of appropriate infrastructure to support the planned growth of the borough and the promotion of sustainable transport.
As part of the Examination in Public, the Local Plan had been the subject of an initial 12 days of hearing sessions, in June/July 2018, into those issues the Inspector had considered necessary to explore further with all relevant parties. The Inspector had reached an interim conclusion that, subject to making necessary main modifications, which included the identification of further housing sites in the Green Belt, the plan could be found to be ‘sound’. The necessary main modifications were made to the plan and underwent a formal consultation for a 6-week period in late 2018. The consultation related to only the main modifications and not to minor modifications or the remainder of the plan. On completion of the consultation, the Inspector had considered the representations and decided it was necessary to reopen the hearing sessions to consider whether the OAN should be altered and whether the further housing sites were needed in light of new information, namely the 2016 based household projections. Two further hearing days were held in February 2019 that focused on the OAN and consequential changes to the plan. The Inspector then closed the hearing sessions and prepared his report.
The Inspector’s draft report had been received by the Council on 19 March 2019 and was subject to a ‘fact check’. This check allowed the Council the opportunity to query the accuracy of its contents, but it was not an opportunity to question the Inspector’s conclusions or findings. The Inspector’s final report, a copy of which was appended to the report submitted to the Council, had been published by the Council on 28 March 2019.
The Inspector’s report had focused on 11 main issues upon which he considered the soundness of the plan depended. The Inspector had concluded that, with the recommended main modifications (details of which were also appended to the report submitted to the Council), the Guildford Borough Local Plan: strategy and sites satisfied the requirements ... view the full minutes text for item 112