Issue - meetings

Town Centre Public Realm Improvements

Meeting: 23/04/2019 - Executive (Item 105)

105 Guildford Public Realm Improvement Project pdf icon PDF 535 KB

Additional documents:



(1)     That the proposed Town Centre Public Realm Improvements, as described in the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)     That the sum of £965,000 retained for public realm improvements and £260,000 set aside for the installation of the High Street safety barrier measures be transferred from the provisional to the approved capital programme to deliver the scheme, and that any external contributions, including the £10,000 from the BID Board, be allocated to the approved capital programme towards this scheme.


(3)     That the Director of Environment be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Lead Councillor, to progress the scheme to completion and seek relevant statutory consents as required.


Reason for Recommendation:

To progress phase 2 of the Town Centre Public Realm Improvements.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:





The Executive considered a report on the second phase of the programme to reconnect the High Street to the town centre’s cultural and heritage quarter, enhance the town centre’s character and improve visitors’ experience within a distinctive conservation area. 


The first phase, delivered in 2018, was the Tunsgate pedestrianisation scheme.  This used high quality materials to complement the High Street’s granite setts and heritage, introduce vehicle restrictions and provide shared level carriageway and landscaping.


The second phase of the project would deliver, via consultation, the following:


1.     Chapel Street -  enhancement of the current surface to ensure it meets appropriate disability accessibility standards for all whilst continuing to reflect the town centre’s conservation heritage, reusing existing setts or new setts that are in keeping with existing for road surface finish

2.     Swan Lane – upgrading of the pedestrianised carriageway with materials that preserve the town centre’s conservation heritage.

3.     Castle Street – introduction of better traffic controls, signage and physical interventions to address traffic management issues and provide an improved link to the Castle Grounds

4.     Upgrading of existing vehicle gates and CCTV – replacement of existing vehicle barriers and introduction of new vehicle restrictions, where necessary and CCTV on Chapel street.

5.     Signage – extension of the wayfinding signage to enhance the connectivity across the historic centre, promote retailers and cultural offer near the town centre.


The creation of a more pedestrian-friendly environment and reducing vehicular dominance would help create a safer place for visitors and add to the character of the town.  These improvements would ensure visitors’ experience was positive and that Guildford’s town centre remained a popular destination through its attractive historic public realm.


In order to deliver phase 2, a transfer of the remaining £965,000 from the provisional to the approved capital programme, together with the £260,000 allocated for High Street protection, was required.


Having considered the proposals, the Executive




(1)     That the proposed Town Centre Public Realm Improvements, as described in the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)     That the sum of £965,000 retained for public realm improvements and £260,000 set aside for the installation of the High Street safety barrier measures be transferred from the provisional to the approved capital programme to deliver the scheme, and that any external contributions, including the £10,000 from the BID Board, be allocated to the approved capital programme towards this scheme.


(3)     That the Director of Environment be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Lead Councillor, to progress the scheme to completion and seek relevant statutory consents as required.



To progress phase 2 of the Town Centre Public Realm Improvements.