Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account Budget 2020-21

Meeting: 05/02/2020 - Council (Item 114)

114 Housing Revenue Account Budget 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 301 KB

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The Council considered a detailed report on the draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget and Housing Capital Investment Programme for 2020-21.


The 2020-21 estimates had been predicated on the assumptions, ambitions and priorities contained in the HRA business plan.


The report had proposed to increase Council house rents by 2.7% in line with the Rent Standard 2020 (issued by the Regulator of Social Housing) and the Policy Statement for Rents on Social Housing (Issued by The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government).


A 2.7% increase in garage rents was also proposed from April 2020, based on the September 2019 Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%.


The report, which included details of progress with the new build programme, together with the proposed investment programme in tenants’ homes, had also been considered by the Joint Executive Advisory Board at its meeting on 9 January 2020.  The Board had indicated its agreement with the recommendations both to the Executive and Council.


At its meeting held on 21 January 2020, the Executive had, subject to Council approving the budget at this meeting, approved the projects forming the HRA major repair and improvement programme, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report and had authorised the Director of Service Delivery to reallocate funding between approved schemes to make best use of the available resources, and to set rents for new developments.


Upon the motion of the Lead Councillor for Housing, Access and Disability, Homelessness, Councillor Angela Goodwin, seconded by the Lead Councillor for Finance and Assets, Customer Service, Councillor Joss Bigmore, the Council




(1)    That the HRA revenue budget 2020-21, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Council, be approved.


(2)    That the 2.7% rent increase in line with the Rent Standard 2020 and Policy Statement 2019 be approved for 2020-21.


(3)    That the fees and charges for HRA services for 2020-21, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be approved.


(4)    That a 2.7% increase in garage rents for 2020-21 be approved.


(5)    That the Housing Investment Programme as set out in Appendix 4 to the report (current approved and provisional schemes), as amended to include the bids approved by the Executive at its meeting on 21 January 2020, be approved.



To enable the Council to set the rent charges for HRA property and associated fees and charges, along with authorising the necessary revenue and capital expenditure to implement a budget, this is consistent with the objectives outlined in the HRA Business Plan.


Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Executive (Item 89)

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That, subject to Council approving the budget on 5 February 2020,


(1)     The projects forming the HRA major repairs and improvement programme, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)     The Director of Service Delivery be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Housing/Access and Disability, to reallocate funding between approved schemes to make best use of the available resources.


(3)     The Director of Service Delivery be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Housing/Access and Disability to set rents for new developments.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:



Recommendation to Council:


(1)     That the HRA revenue budget, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)     That the 2.7% rent increase in line with the Rent Standard 2020 and Policy Statement 2019 be approved.


(3)     That the fees and charges for HRA services, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be approved.


(4)     That a 2.7% increase in garage rents be approved.


(5)     That the Housing Investment Programme as shown in Appendix 4 (current approved and provisional schemes), be approved.



To enable the Council to set the rent charges for HRA property and associated fees and charges, along with authorising the necessary revenue and capital expenditure to implement a budget consistent with the objectives outlined in the HRA Business Plan.




The Executive considered a report setting out the 2020-21 draft budget for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The 2020-21 estimates had been predicated on the assumptions, ambitions and priorities contained in the HRA business plan. 


It was proposed to increase Council house rents by 2.7% in line with the Rent Standard 2020 (issued by the Regulator of Social Housing) and the Policy Statement for Rents on Social Housing (Issued by The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government).


A 2.7% increase in garage rents was also proposed from April 2020, based on the September 2019 Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%.


The report had also set out progress with the new build programme, together with the proposed investment programme in tenants’ homes.


Having considered the draft HRA budget for 2020-21 and noted that the Joint EAB had also considered the report and had supported the recommendations, the Executive


RESOLVED: That, subject to Council approving the budget on 5 February 2020,


(1)    The projects forming the HRA major repairs and improvement programme, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)    The Director of Service Delivery be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Housing/Access and Disability, to reallocate funding between approved schemes to make best use of the available resources.


(3)    The Director of Service Delivery be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Housing/Access and Disability to set rents for new developments.


The Executive further




(1)    That the HRA revenue budget, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.


(2)    That the 2.7% rent increase in line with the Rent Standard 2020 and Policy Statement 2019 be approved.


(3)    That the fees and charges for HRA services, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be approved.


(4)    That a 2.7% increase in garage rents be approved.


(5)    That the Housing Investment Programme as shown in Appendix 4 (current approved and provisional schemes), be approved.



To enable the Council to set the rent charges for HRA property and associated fees and charges, along with authorising the necessary revenue and capital expenditure to implement a budget consistent with the objectives outlined in the HRA Business Plan.