52 Review of the Code of Conduct for Staff PDF 222 KB
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The Council noted that although there were requirements under legislation for the Council to adopt a Code of Conduct for Councillors to provide local guidance about behaviour and conduct, there was no such requirement for a Code of Conduct for Staff. It was acknowledged, however, that it was good practice to have one and of benefit to offer guidance and signposting to relevant employment policies and protocols that govern officers in their day-to-day work.
Whilst the current Code of Conduct for Staff was included in Part 5 of the Council’s Constitution alongside the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, it was clear that the Constitution, as the Council’s tool of governance, was not a day-to-day reference for many of the Council’s employees. The Code of Conduct for Staff had therefore been rewritten to be a more accessible document in terms of style and language and it contained links to other key sources of online information for all employees.
Alongside a general modernisation, it was also proposed that the revised Code of Conduct for Staff should:
(a) become part of the line management process, including new employee induction and end of probation sign off, and
(b) be provided to all staff (new and existing), who would be required to confirm that they understood the behaviours and conduct expected of them.
This matter had also been considered by the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee at its meeting held on 13 June. The Committee had made a number of comments and suggestions, and these had been incorporated where appropriate into the draft revised Code of Conduct for Staff, which was set out in Appendix 2 to the report submitted to the Council.
Upon the motion of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Caroline Reeves, seconded by Councillor Tim Anderson, the Council
RESOLVED: That the revised Staff Code of Conduct attached as Appendix 2 to the report submitted to the Council be adopted.
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Consideration of this item was adjourned to Wednesday 31 July 2019.
9 Review of the Code of Conduct for Staff PDF 220 KB
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The Committee noted that, although there was a statutory requirement for the Council to adopt a Code of Conduct for Councillors, there was no such requirement for a Code of Conduct for Staff. However, it was considered good practice to have one and of benefit to staff to provide local guidance about acceptable behaviour and conduct.
The current Code of Conduct for Staff was set out in Part 5 of the Council’s Constitution alongside the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. However, the Constitution, as the Council’s tool of governance, was not a day-to-day reference for many of the Council’s employees. The Committee considered a report on the review of the Code of Conduct for Staff, which had sought to provide a more accessible document in terms of style and language and to contain links to other key sources of relevant employment policies and protocols and other online information for all employees.
Alongside a general modernisation, it was also proposed that the revised Code of Conduct should:
(a) become part of the line management process, including new employee induction and end of probation sign off; and
(b) be provided to all staff (new and existing), who would be required to confirm that they understood the behaviours and conduct expected of them.
A key aspect of the review process was a workshop of senior staff in February 2019 to review the current code of conduct to see which elements should be retained and which could be revised to bring it up to date to reflect current practice.
In considering the proposed revised code of conduct for staff, the Committee felt it was a clearer document, easier to read and to understand the important points.
However, there were a number of points on which further clarification/information was sought as follows:
· Paragraph 5.3 (use of media and social media) required further information to clarify that the code could apply to a member of staff making inappropriate comments on social media not about the Council, but perhaps of a racist/homophobic nature, which could be detrimental to the reputation of the Council as an employer. It was suggested that wording similar to that in paragraph 5.2 could be included in paragraph 5.3.
· The fourth bullet point in paragraph 12.1 (personal interests) required clarification as to its meaning and practical application
· Whether paragraph 17 required clarification that any finding of a breach of the code following an investigation may be regarded as a disciplinary offence. The legal relationship between the Council and its staff was set out in the employment contract, particularly the duty of mutual trust and confidence. The formal disciplinary policy and procedure made provision for process to be followed in dealing with disciplinary matters, including the conduct of an investigation.
Having considered the matter and in view of the comments made at the meeting, the Committee
RESOLVED: That, subject to the clarification of the points referred to above, the revised Code of Conduct for Staff, attached as Appendix 2 to the report submitted to the ... view the full minutes text for item 9