Issue - meetings

Public Health Funerals

Meeting: 07/01/2020 - Executive (Item 71)

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The Executive


RESOLVED: That a 6-week consultation on the draft Public Health Funeral Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved, subject to an amendment to paragraph 3.2 to the effect that where the cost of the funeral arrangements cannot be recovered from the deceased’s estate, the Council would cover the cost.



To ensure that Public Health Funerals are conducted in a fair and transparent way and that the deceased’s estate is managed in line with the current legislation and guidance


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:

1.       Approve a modified version of the draft policy for a 6-week consultation.

2.       Ask officers to draft a revised policy for consideration at a future meeting.

3.       Reject the draft policy as there is no statutory requirement to have a Public Health Funeral Policy.  


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:




The Lead Councillor for Personal Health, Safety and Wellbeing introduced the report.


The Executive was asked to consider a draft public health funeral policy that had been prepared in readiness for public consultation. The policy set out the Council’s role and responsibilities and the level of funeral provision to provide a dignified, value for money funeral service.


It was noted that the frequency of public health funerals and consequently the cost to the Council was low, but that it was right to have policy guidance in place. It was requested that the draft policy make explicit that where an individual had no estate that the Council would pay the funeral costs.


The Executive




That a 6-week consultation on the draft Public Health Funeral Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved, subject to an amendment to paragraph 3.2 to the effect that where the cost of the funeral arrangements cannot be recovered from the deceased’s estate, the Council would cover the cost.



To ensure that Public Health Funerals are conducted in a fair and transparent way and that the deceased’s estate is managed in line with the current legislation and guidance