4 Structural Repairs to 48 Quarry Street, Guildford PDF 204 KB
Additional documents:
That the transfer of capital funds in the sum of £220,000 from the provisional programme to the approved capital programme to enable the structural repairs to 48 Quarry Street, Guildford to be carried out, be approved.
As a Grade II listed building, the Council has a duty to maintain it in good order and these funds will allow this necessary repair works to proceed.
Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:
To do nothing
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Executive noted that 48 Quarry Street, Guildford formed part of Guildford Museum and that a survey of the property had revealed that there was a significant structural defect, which needed to be remedied to allow the property to be used safely as part of the Museum.
The Council had set aside £250,000 on the provisional capital programme to fund the repairs and associated design work. The sum of £30,000 had been transferred to the approved capital programme in July 2018 to fund the necessary investigations and design work.
The Executive now considered a report which sought agreement to transfer the remaining £220,000 from the provisional to the approved capital programme to enable the works to be carried out.
The Executive therefore
RESOLVED: That the transfer of capital funds in the sum of £220,000 from the provisional programme to the approved capital programme to enable the structural repairs to 48 Quarry Street, Guildford to be carried out, be approved.
As a Grade II listed building, the Council has a duty to maintain it in good order and these funds will allow this necessary repair works to proceed.