18 Redevelopment of Westborough and Park Barn Play Areas PDF 595 KB
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That the Executive agrees to:
(1) proceed with a review of the quantity, location and use of the areas known as Kings College, Chapelhouse, Woodside Road and Derby Road play areas through consultation;
(2) move the provisional capital sum of £320,000 (PL20p) to the approved capital programme to be spent on improvements to the areas described in this report;
(3) explore the potential for access and use of land known as Wey Valley College on Southway to increase the quantity of play provision, particularly for older children, in Westborough as described in paragraph 6.5 of this report; and
(4) delegate the decision for approving the final schemes to the Director of Environment, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Health & Wellbeing, the Voluntary Sector, Grants Panel, Play Strategy and Project Aspire.
To enable the action plan from Guildford’s Play Strategy to proceed by investing in the play areas within the Westborough/Park Barn area as the next priority areas for improvement.
Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:
To do nothing and continue to maintain the existing play areas. The provisional capital will be spent on the next play areas within the Play Strategy Action Plan.
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Executive considered a report which set out proposals to improve play provision in the Westborough/Park Barn area through a review of the play areas known as Kings College, Chapelhouse, Woodside Road and Derby Road. The report indicated how the proposal aligned with several Council strategies and strategic priorities and why there was a need for play area improvements.
The Guildford Play Strategy 2016-2021 had sought to provide better opportunities for play for all ages and abilities and included an action plan of refurbishment for all the Council’s play areas. The area of Westborough/Park Barn was next for review.
The report included an assessment of the quantity of play space for different ages and highlighted some inequalities in play provision, namely in play facilities for older children, that this project would seek to address.
Quality, attractive play areas are essential to increase levels of physical activity, improve children’s wellbeing, promote imagination, develop skills, including social cohesion and learn about the environment. Access to green spaces (including play spaces) had been found to be associated with more people with a healthy weight, improved mental health and longer lives. The Executive noted that Westborough was one of England’s most deprived neighbourhoods and statistics showed 18.4% of children were in low-income families, compared to Guildford’s average of 9.4%, and there was a high rate of obesity amongst some ages of children.
The ward currently had some uninspiring and tired play areas, some of which were poorly used. Residents had also raised concerns about safety, which required further exploration. Some of the play areas could be better located with ‘greener’ links between them. The refurbishment project would seek residents’ views through two stages of consultation, the first of which was completed at the end of May 2019. It would involve several of the Council’s teams to ensure that play spaces that residents would use and enjoy were provided, as well as making the best use of the available funds. The Council’s Communications and PR Team would support the consultations and project progress.
The Executive was informed that there was £320,000 remaining in the provisional capital programme (PL20p) for the playground refurbishment programme. It was anticipated that all this sum would be required for the Westborough ward, partly due to a lack of other finances such as s106 developer’s funds earmarked for this ward.
Having considered the proposals, the Executive
(1) To proceed with a review of the quantity, location and use of the areas known as Kings College, Chapelhouse, Woodside Road and Derby Road play areas through consultation.
(2) To move the provisional capital sum of £320,000 (PL20p) to the approved capital programme to be spent on improvements to the areas described in the report submitted to the Executive.
(3) To explore the potential for access and use of land known as Wey Valley College on Southway to increase the quantity of play provision, particularly for older children, in Westborough as described in paragraph 6.5 of the report.
(4) To delegate ... view the full minutes text for item 18