Issue - meetings

Appointment of co-opted Independent Members of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee (May 2019 - May 2023)

Meeting: 09/04/2019 - Council (Item 98)

98 Appointment of co-opted Independent Members of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee (May 2019 - May 2023) pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Additional documents:


The Council noted that Article 10 of the Constitution provided that the composition of the Council’s Corporate Governance and Standards Committee included three non-voting, co-opted persons who were not councillors or officers of the Council (independent members), whose term of office would be for a four-year period, with serving independent members being eligible for re-appointment. 


Following a recruitment process, two applications had been received, one from the  current independent member Mrs Maria Angel MBE seeking re-appointment, and the other from Mr Murray Litvak.


On the basis that Mrs Angel had served very ably and impartially as an independent member on the Committee (and its predecessor committee) since 2013, officers had no hesitation in commending to the Council her re-appointment as an independent member for a further four-year term. 


Mr Litvak was interviewed on 6 March 2019 by a panel comprising the Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee (Councillor Richard Billington), the Chief Finance Officer (Claire Morris) and the Deputy Monitoring Officer (Sarah White). 


Following the interview, the panel indicated that Mr Litvak was an extremely able and high calibre candidate with a good knowledge of standards and governance issues.  Mr Litvak was currently Chairman of the Spelthorne Members Code of Conduct Committee and also the statutory Independent Person at Runnymede Borough Council.  The panel had therefore recommended that Mr Litvak be appointed as an independent member of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee.


Before the Council determined this matter, Councillor Michael Illman disclosed that he was a member of the same rowing club, and on the same committee at that club, as Mr Murray Litvak, who was a candidate for appointment as independent member of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee. Mr Litvak had also coached Councillor Illman. Councillor Illman therefore withdrew from the meeting before any decision was taken.


Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Matt Furniss, seconded by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Richard Billington, the Council


RESOLVED: That Murray Litvak be appointed, and Maria Angel MBE be re-appointed as independent members of the Council’s Corporate Governance and Standards Committeewith effect from May 2019, for a four-year term of office.



To comply with Article 10 of the Council’s Constitution.



Meeting: 28/03/2019 - Corporate Governance and Standards Committee (Item 64)

64 Appointment of Independent Members of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee (May 2019 - May 2023) pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Additional documents:


Mrs Maria Angel MBE left the meeting immediately prior to the Committee’s consideration of this matter.


The Committee considered a report on the process undertaken for the appointment of independent members of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee.


Article 10 of the Council’s Constitution provided that the composition of this Committee included three non-voting, co-opted persons who were not councillors or officers of the Council (independent members), whose term of office would be for a four-year period, with serving independent members being eligible for re-appointment. 


Following a recruitment process, two applications had been received, one from the  current independent member Mrs Maria Angel MBE seeking re-appointment, and the other from Mr Murray Litvak.


On the basis that Mrs Angel had served very ably and impartially as an independent member on the Committee (and its predecessor committee) since 2013, officers had no hesitation in commending to the Council her re-appointment as an independent member for a further four-year term. 


Mr Litvak had been interviewed on 6 March 2019 by a panel comprising the Chairman of the Committee (Councillor Billington), the Chief Finance Officer (Claire Morris) and the Deputy Monitoring Officer (Sarah White). 


Following the interview, the panel indicated that Mr Litvak was an extremely able and high calibre candidate with a good knowledge of standards and governance issues.  Mr Litvak was currently Chairman of the Spelthorne Members Code of Conduct Committee and also the statutory Independent Person at Runnymede Borough Council.  The panel had therefore recommended that Mr Litvak be appointed as an independent member of the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee.


On this basis, and having considered the CVs from both candidates, the Committee


RESOLVED: That the appointment of Mr Murray Litvak and re-appointment of Mrs Maria Angel MBE as independent members of the Council’s Corporate Governance and Standards Committee, as recommended by the selection panel, with effect from May 2019, for a four-year term of office expiring in May 2023, be commended to the Council for formal approval on 9 April 2019.



To comply with Article 10 of the Council’s Constitution.