Issue - meetings

Award of a 1 year contract to deliver void works

Meeting: 03/10/2024 - Executive (Item 57)

57 Award of a 1 year contract to deliver void works pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:



To enter a one year contract with an anticipated approximate value of

£700,000 with Kincraig Construction Limited.


To enable the council to undertake and manage the refurbishment of void properties so that these can be relet.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:

Not to enter the contract which present a significant risk to the council until the longer term procurement exercise can be undertaken.

Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:



The council had recently reviewed its governance processes and a new Scheme of Delegation was adopted on 23 July 2024. The new arrangements provided the award of any contract which resulted in a Key Decision would be made by Executive.  The Executive considered a report that sought authority for the award of a one year contract to deliver void works across the borough.

The Leader of the Council thanked the chairmen of the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their cooperation in waiving call-in in respect of this decision as it had become a matter of urgency to move forward with the contract.

The Executive welcomed the new contract as it was desirable to manage any voids in the councils estate as quickly and efficiently as possible for the benefit of residents.


To enter a one year contract with an anticipated approximate value of

£700,000 with Kincraig Construction Limited.


To enable the council to undertake and manage the refurbishment of void properties so that these can be relet.