Issue - meetings

Riverside Nature Reserve SANG improvement

Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Council (Item 35)

35 Riverside Nature Reserve SANG improvement pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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The Council considered a report which sought approval to carry out a capital project for replacement and improvement of the access infrastructure at Riverside Nature Reserve and Parsonage Water Meadows, and to create an additional staff resource of one Project Manager Post for project delivery.

Councillors noted that Riverside Nature Reserve was a designated Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) to avoid increased recreational pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) resulting from new housing development.

This mitigation was required to enable the Council to comply with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 by providing alternative recreation areas that provide a similar experience to the SPA.

It was anticipated that the estimated project cost of £1,133,500 would be funded from financial contributions from developers that were collected to deliver new SANG sites, improve existing SANG land, provide infrastructure and site maintenance and cover staff costs associated with management. The project would include access and site improvement to the SANG to enable additional use of the site.

The report to the Council outlined the need for the project to improve existing   infrastructure and facilitate increased visitor numbers. These pressures provided a challenge managing visitor conflicts, safe access to natural green space, naturally occurring changes, whilst retaining the site’s natural character in line with SANG guidelines, GBC Countryside Vision, and the Environment Act 2021.

The existing boardwalk on Riverside Nature Reserve was a key piece of SANG infrastructure that required replacement as a matter of urgency. Parts of the existing boardwalk were currently closed for health and safety reasons.

Officers were also seeking to improve access for firefighting equipment to mitigate increased wildfire risks.

Proposed works comprised of re-designing and replacing the existing boardwalk and improving pathways, signage, and seating, following recommendations from an access audit commissioned in 2020. Officers proposed to include public consultation during the project.

The project aimed to ensure that the Council fulfilled its duties under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, the Equality Act 2010, and the Environment Act 2021.

The Council also noted that the Executive, at its meeting on 12 June 2024, had considered and had endorsed the recommendation in the report.

Upon the motion of the Lead Councillor for Environment and Climate Change, Councillor George Potter, seconded bythe Leader of the Council, Councillor Julia McShane, the Council



(1)    That capital expenditure of £1,133,500 be approved from existing development contributions to improve SANG capacity and improvement of the SANG access infrastructure at Riverside Nature Reserve and Parsonage Water Meadows.


(2)         That an additional staff resource of one Project Manager Post for project delivery be approved.


·      Officers consider the project proposal the most efficient option to maintain SANG capacity to mitigate the recreational pressure resulting from the developments the SANG contributions have been collected from.

·      The project will deliver necessary works to achieve health and safety compliance under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957.

·      The delivery of the project will provide added benefits to the Council by demonstrating compliance with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Executive (Item 17)

17 Riverside - Nature Reserve SANG improvement pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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That this Executive recommends to full Council meeting on 23 July 2024 the approval of:

1     Capital expenditure of £1,133,500 from existing development contributions to improve SANG capacity and improvement of the SANG access infrastructure at Riverside Nature Reserve and Parsonage Water Meadows, and

2     an additional staff resource of one Project Manager Post for project delivery.


1.            Officers consider the project proposal the most efficient option to maintain SANG capacity to mitigate the recreational pressure resulting from the developments the SANG contributions have been collected from.

2.            The project will deliver necessary works to achieve health and safety compliance under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957.

3.            The delivery of the project will provide added benefits to the Council by demonstrating compliance with the public duties for biodiversity under the Environment Act 2021 and the duties under the Equality Act 2010.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:

1.       Do essential safety works only when they occur:

Officers consider that this approach would put the Council at risk of not providing mitigation in perpetuity in accordance with the reason for the payment of the contributions and would not mitigate the recreational pressure resulting from development.

Reason: Significant infrastructure replacement is currently required to fulfil the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 and SANG requirements representing approximately 90% of the cost estimate. Officers consider this approach would carry a risk of insufficient resourcing to deliver the infrastructure replacement in the required timescale, putting the Council at risk of repayment of developer contributions.

2.       Do nothing:

Do nothing will eventually require the Council to close sections of the SANG for safety reasons resulting in non-compliance with the Habitats Directive, and risk of developers seeking repayment of contributions.

Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:

Councillor Potter declared a non-pecuniary interest against Item 5 as the Riverside SANG was part located in the ward he represented. Councillor Potter confirmed this would not affect his objectivity in determining the matter.


The Executive considered a report that sought approval to draw down ringfenced SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) funding from developer contribution reserves to carry out a capital project for replacement and improvement of the access infrastructure at Riverside Nature Reserve and Parsonage Water Meadows, and to create additional staff resource of one Project Manager Post to deliver the project. In particular, a new boardwalk was required to make the site safely accessible to the public. The site lay along the Wey Navigation running from Burpham to Bellfields.

Councillor Potter had declared a non-pecuniary interest against Item 5 as the Riverside SANG was part located in the ward he represented. Councillor Potter confirmed this would not affect his objectivity in determining the matter.


The Executive noted the importance of SANG in the borough which enabled a more even spread of new development. Much land locally was covered by the Thames Heath Basin Special Protection Area, without SANG, development would be constrained only to certain areas. SANG needed to be local to new developments to encourage residents in those developments to spend recreational time in the SANG rather than on the protected heathland areas. With more development proposed there would be a search for more SANG. Due to its location, the Riverside SANG was an asset accessible to new residents and town centre residents alike.

The new boardwalk would be replaced with long-lasting recycled plastic.

The Executive heard that an access improvement audit had been conducted and consequently there would be increased and improved signage and seating. The site was also flat which made it more accessible to those with mobility scooters, wheelchairs etc. Officers would follow up with the Guildford Access Group to see if any further improvements could be made. The additional staff resource would be able to undertake more consultation and engagement with residents, partners and stakeholders.

The Boardwalk would not be replaced as it was currently positioned. Previously, Riverside had experienced some anti-social behaviour and the new layout would be aimed to ‘design out’ the likelihood of this in future and to make the site safer and more inviting.

Access for firefighting had been an historical issue and the Fire Service had recently attended to walk the site and would draw up a plan to advise officers on how improvements could be made with particular emphasis on access via low bridges and the A3.

It was hoped a circular walk could be created that could be in use all year round.

It was noted that when the Weyside Urban Village site became populated the Riverside Nature Reserve would be extended up to Clay Lane providing a two mile corridor and a four mile round trip walk.

The site was also important to Guildford’s biodiversity and wildlife. The funding would preserve and protect some important fens and wetlands for the next few decades at least.

It was proposed that the investment of the site would create an exemplar of public open spaces. Consequently, the Executive,


That this Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17