Issue - meetings

23/P/01085 - 80 The Mount, Guildford, GU2 4JB

Meeting: 31/01/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 7)

7 23/P/01085 - 80 The Mount, Guildford, GU2 4JB pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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Councillor Howard Smith left the meeting for the duration of the consideration of this application owing to the non-pecuniary interest he declared.


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for erection of a detached two-storey dwelling following demolition of the existing dwelling and widening of the existing access.


Prior to the consideration of the application, the following persons addressed the Committee with Public Speaking Procedure Rules 3(b):


·        Reverend Peter Levell (to object);

·        Mr Paul Banwell (to object) and;

·        Mr Philip Andrews (Agent) (in support)


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, Sakina Khanbhai.  The Committee noted that the application site was located in the urban area and situated towards the upper end of The Mount.  The existing dwelling was located on the northern side of the road which was set back and positioned on elevated land from the street level.  The plot was much wider than the neighbouring residential plot.  The surrounding area was comprised of a mix of dwelling styles.  The proposal was 14.8 metres wide and 10 metres deep with a height of 7.32 metres. 


The design proposed had been revised from an earlier withdrawn scheme with a first-floor layout so that the bathrooms were located to the rear of the dwelling with obscure glazing.  The dwelling would also be narrower than the existing dwelling with generous separation distances to neighbouring side boundaries. 


The proposed dwelling would be slightly deeper than the existing by 2.3 metres and narrower.  The existing access would also be widened, and sufficient parking spaces provided for two vehicles within the existing parking area to the front of the dwelling.  


The proposal was for a contemporary design with a simplified gable front which previously included a large amount of glazing to the rear of the property that was now obscure glazed.  The height of the proposed dwelling was also broadly in line with the existing. 


The application was therefore recommended for approval with the proposed conditions as outlined in the report and updated conditions in the supplementary late sheets.      

The Committee discussed the application and noted that the proposed huf house was not out of character with the existing neighbouring properties given there was no uniformity in the overall design employed in the neighbourhood. In addition, there was already a huf house located further up the road which fitted in well.  Concerns raised regarding overlooking at the back of the property would be successfully overcome via the proposed obscured glass.  In relation to concerns regarding an increase in on-road parking, the property did have a forecourt and so provision was made already.  If the residents did wish to park their cars on-road they would have to apply to the Surrey Highway Authority. With regard to concerns raised regarding the development representing a form of over-development, the Committee noted that the footprint of the proposal was largely similar to the existing property.  Whilst it was deeper, it would not be seen from the road or from the rear.  The proposed roof line  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7