86 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2023-24 PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
The Council considered a report on nominations received for election of Mayor and appointment of Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2023-24. The constitutional changes adopted by the Council in 2014 in respect of the Mayoralty, provided that the Council would normally elect the Deputy Mayor appointed at the annual meeting of the Council as Mayor at the next succeeding annual meeting.
Although political group leaders had been asked to submit nominations in respect of the Deputy Mayoralty for 2023-24, none had been received.
Accordingly, the Council was asked to consider the nomination of Councillor Masuk Miah for Mayor in 2023-24, subject to Councillor Miah’s re-election to the Council on 4 May 2023. Councillor Miah left the meeting during the Council’s consideration of this matter.
Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore, seconded by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Julia McShane, the Council
(1) That, subject to the outcome of the Borough Council elections in May 2023, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah be nominated for the Mayoralty of the Borough for the 2023-24 municipal year.
(2) That consideration of nominations for appointment of Deputy Mayor for the 2023-24 municipal year, be deferred to the meeting of the Council to be held on 8 February 2023.
To make early preparations for the selection of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the 2023-24 municipal year.
60 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2023-24 PDF 70 KB
Additional documents:
To recommend to Council on 6 December 2022:
That, subject to the outcome of the Borough Council elections in May 2023, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah be nominated for the Mayoralty of the Borough for the 2023-24 municipal year.
To make early preparations, subject to the outcome of the Borough Council elections in May 2023, for the selection of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2023-24.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
Reason for Recommendation:
At its meeting on 6 December 2022, the Council would be asked to consider nominations for the Mayoralty and Deputy Mayoralty of the Borough for the municipal year 2023-24. The Council would be requested to consider formally the nomination of the current Deputy Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah for the Mayoralty of the Borough for 2023-24, subject to Councillor Miah’s re-election to the Council on 4 May 2023.
Group leaders had been asked to submit nominations for the Deputy Mayoralty for 2023-24 by no later than 18 November 2022. No nominations had been received.
It was noted in the Supplementary Information Sheet that if no nominations had been received before the Council meeting on 6 December, the Council would be asked to agree to defer consideration of that matter to the meeting of the Council to be held on 8 February 2023.
The Executive
To recommend to Council on 6 December 2022:
That, subject to the outcome of the Borough Council elections in May 2023, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah be nominated for the Mayoralty of the Borough for the 2023-24 municipal year.
To make early preparations, subject to the outcome of the Borough Council elections in May 2023, for the selection of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2023-24.