Issue - meetings

Lead Councillor Question Session

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

Lead Councillor Question Session

A question session with the Lead Councillor for Environment.


Councillor James Steel’s areas of responsibility include: Waste, Licensing (including Health and Safety regulation), Parking, Parks and Leisure, Arts and Tourism, Bereavement, and Environmental Health and Protection.


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The Chairman welcomed the Lead Councillor for Environment and reminded the meeting of Councillor Steel’s areas of responsibility: Waste, Licensing (including Health and Safety regulation), Parking, Parks and Leisure, Arts and Tourism, Bereavement, and Environmental Health and Protection.  The Chairman advised that the Lead Councillor for Environment had been informed of several potential question areas in advance of the meeting and that other question areas and specific queries would arise.

The following information and responses were provided during the ensuing discussion:


  • In reply to questions about the Visit Surrey website, the Lead Councillor for Environment advised that Visit Surrey continued to be the top performing website for the visitor economy for Surrey.  The Lead Councillor for Environment informed the meeting that many tourism or visitor economy businesses were working already with Visit Surrey and that the Council working with Visit Surrey avoided duplication of information and resources for businesses.  In addition, the meeting was informed that by using Visit Surrey the Council benefited from the use of campaigns managed centrally by Visit Britain and Visit England. 


  • The Lead Councillor for Environment indicated that the Council did not have feedback from residents concerning the Council’s collaboration with Visit Surrey.  He advised that ninety percent of people using the Visit Surrey website came from near-neighbour counties.  The Committee was advised of the top Guildford-related webpages viewed on Visit Surrey since February 2022: the landing page; Shere; Newlands Corner; the paddling pool; the Lido; and the Jubilee page. 


  • In reply to questions, the Lead Councillor for Environment advised that it was not possible to measure the number of businesses taking up the free advertising events listing offered on the Visit Surrey website.  The meeting was informed that the Council’s web team were producing a video on Guildford for use on the Visit Surrey website.  A member of the Committee suggested the value of measuring the effectiveness and value of the Visit Surrey website to Guildford businesses as the website continued to develop.


  • In response to a query from a member of the Committee and with reference to the large number of questions to be put forward during the item, the Chairman noted the advantages of succinct answers during the Lead Councillor question session and the value of circulating fuller details to Committee members after the meeting. 


  • In reply to a question, the Lead Councillor for Environment indicated that Guildford had a dedicated section of the Visit Surrey website.  A member of the Committee asked if the Council would be promoting the Guildford dedicated section of the Visit Surrey website.  In reply, the Lead Councillor for Environment indicated queries would be directed to the appropriate part of the Visit Surrey website.


  • In response to questions about the Council’s waste and recycling fleet, the Lead Councillor for Environment advised the meeting that the Council was monitoring the development of electric vehicle and hydrogen trucks.  He advised that power infrastructure limitations at the Council’s current depot limited its ability to purchase larger electric vehicles, although planned  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19

Meeting: 13/09/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 4.)

Lead Councillor Question Session

A question session with the Leader of the Council.   Councillor Joss Bigmore’s areas of specific responsibility: Governance including corporate Health and Safety; Guildford/Waverley partnership; Partnerships; Corporate Strategy; and Strategic Planning.


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