Issue - meetings

Mental Health Provision

Meeting: 28/02/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

48 Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (EWMH) Service – Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider an update on the EWMH services, Mindworks Surrey.

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Children’s Community Services, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP), the Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, and the Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, updated the Committee on Mindworks Surrey.


With the aid of presentation slides circulated in advance with the agenda papers, the Committee was advised that Mindworks Surrey was an alliance of national and local partners commissioned to deliver services for children and young people across the county.  The Committee was reminded of the range of services offered through Mindworks Surrey.


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, advised the Committee that the Amplify participation group had organised the Wellbeing Festival for children, young people, and families to be held on 4 March 2023 at Guildford County School.  The Committee was informed of increasing engagement with schools and plans to introduce an Independent Schools Reference Group in 2022/23.


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, indicated the importance of improving transitions for children and young people, as they moved both from primary to secondary school and for 16-25 year olds moving into adulthood.  The Committee was advised of the work of Community Wellbeing Teams, School-based Needs Teams, Mental Health Support Teams, and the Reaching Out service.  In addition, the Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, highlighted the themes and strategies for improvement identified from the Woking and the Guildford & Waverley Mindworks Protype projects. 


The Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, indicated that during January 2023 demand for Mindworks Surrey services was forty percent higher than contracted for; the Executive Director for Children’s Community Services, SABP, advised that such a level was in line with regional and national demand.


During the ensuing discussion a number of questions were asked, and clarifications offered:


  • Members of the Committee questioned the transition between services for children and young people as they moved from primary to secondary school and then onto adulthood.  The Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, confirmed that the Community Wellbeing Teams, Scholl-based Needs Teams, and Mental Health Support Teams operated together as a single, virtual team. She indicated that Mindworks Surrey partners sought to work jointly in both service delivery and governance.  The Committee was advised of the Reaching Out service for 16-25 year olds who were difficult to engage.  In addition, the Committee was informed of the New Leaf service for children and young people affected by developmental trauma and who were in care, care leavers, or unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. 



  • In reply to a question, the Committee was advised that New Leaf services were funded by several funding streams, including Surrey County Council, the NHS, and Surrey Police.  The Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, offered to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48

Meeting: 25/04/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)

71 Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (EWMH) Service – Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider the new EWMH services, Mindworks Surrey.

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Children’s Community Services, Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust (SABP), the Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, the Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, and the Chief Executive, Surrey Wellbeing Partnership, updated the Committee on Mindworks Surrey.


With the aid of presentation slides circulated in advance with the agenda papers, the Committee was advised of the partnership approach of Mindworks and the iThrive framework being used since April 2021.  The meeting was informed that the Mindworks contract was for seven years, with an option to extend for a further three years.  The meeting was informed that the iThrive framework was replacing the traditional delivery of children and adolescent mental health services.


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, outlined the organisations and partners delivering Mindworks and the role of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in the development of the framework for Surrey.  The meeting was advised that the main Mindworks services were based around seven areas: access and advice; school-based needs; building resilience; intensive interventions (including the children and young people’s eating disorder services); crisis admission avoidance; reaching out; and neurodevelopmental services.


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, informed the meeting of the ongoing challenge of recruiting staff to the Mindworks service across Surrey, but indicated that all seven new service areas were being delivered.  The Committee was advised of an out-of-hours phone line providing advice to parents and carers of children with neurodevelopmental need, such as autism or ADHD.


The Committee was advised of the school-based needs offer in Surrey, including multiple teams working collectively.  The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, indicated that every district or borough within Surrey had a named primary mental health worker and a community wellbeing lead, and would have a mental health support team.  The meeting was advised that the mental health support team for Guildford would be in place in September 2022.


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, informed the Committee of the Amplify participation group, designed by young people and led by a young person with expert by experience.  The meeting was advised of the Mindworks launch event organised by Amplify and to be held on 14 May 2022 at Sandown Racecourse, Esher. 


The Children’s Emotional Health Alliance Programme Director, SABP, confirmed that demand for Mindworks services was increasing and partners were working collectively to reduce waiting times for services. 


During the ensuing discussion a number of questions were asked, and clarifications offered:


·        In reply to a question from a member of the Committee about the impact of the pandemic, the Executive Director for Children’s Community Services, SABP, confirmed an increase in both the number of children presenting in crisis and the complexity of their conditions.  She stated that improved collaboration with Mindworks partners meant that children were able to access help much earlier than under the previous CAMHS (children and adolescent mental health services).  The Director of Children and Young People’s Services, SABP, outlined the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71

Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 36)

36 Mental Health Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 621 KB

Considering the impact of the pandemic on mental illness and mental health services, and the Surrey Mental Health Partnership Board (MHPB) review and consequent improvement plan agreed by Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board (and its delivery).

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Professor Helen Rostill (Deputy Chief Executive, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP)), and Co-Chair of the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board’s Mental Health Delivery Board), Sally Heath (Director of Business and Innovation, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) and Sue Murphy (Chief Executive of Catalyst) to the meeting.  He advised the Committee that the item was an opportunity to consider the impact of the pandemic on mental illness and mental health services and to hear about the Surrey Mental Health Partnership Board (MHPB) review and consequent improvement plan agreed by Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board.


Professor Helen Rostill, Sally Heath, and Sue Murphy gave a presentation to help explain the Mental Health Improvement Programme (MHIP).  The background and context of the MHIP, its delivery architecture, and its governance were outlined to the Committee.  Next the progress and ambitions of the programme areas of the MHIP were described to the meeting. 


The Committee was advised that the recommendations from the MHPB review had been mapped into ten programme areas; specifically, three core delivery programmes (early intervention and prevention; no bouncing and improving access; and working together to break down barriers) and seven support and enabling programmes (digital and data; communications and engagement; how we work together; resourcing; workforce plan; training and awareness; and mental health system governance).


The meeting was presented with examples to illustrate the focus for the three core delivery programme areas, including the formation of Surrey Workforce and Wellbeing Collaborative, the design of an engagement programme by Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF) and the Independent Mental Health Network, the GP Community of Practice initiative, the 24/7 safe haven pilot, an independent review of SABP adult single-point of access, and the successful funding application for a tier 4 CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) unit within the county.  Further examples shared with the meeting included the GPimhs (General Practise integrated mental health service) community-based model of mental health care, the establishment of a Young Adults Reference Group to better support the transition from children’s to adult mental health services, the Epsom pilot of secondary care integration, the Community Connections in-reach service pilot at Farnham Road Hospital and the Abraham Cowley Unit, the establishment of Surrey Mental Health Alliance by April 2022, and projects to inform the culture changes necessary to improve working within and across organisations. 


The Committee was advised of work to assess resourcing for emotional wellbeing and mental health services across Surrey, the launch of the Multi-Agency Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Training Collaborative in September 2021, and the Face of Support mental wellbeing campaign across Surrey.  The Director of Business and Innovation informed the meeting that a Mental Health Summit to be held on 1 December 2021 would update on progress achieved and help maintain momentum.


During the presentation, the Deputy Chief Executive, SABP, commended to Committee members a report produced by SMEF in 2020 about the impact of the pandemic on people’s mental health and offered to provide  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36