Decision details

UKSPF Fund Lakeside Fishing Platforms and Access works

Decision Maker: Parks and Countryside Development Lead

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To award a works contract to Countryside Contracts to replace and upgrade the fishing platforms/swims at Lakeside Nature Reserve and provide further access and path improvements around the lake.In accordance with the Council's procurement rules. Value £39,670 paid by funding from the UK Shared Prosperity (UKSPF).

Reasons for the decision:

To deliver greenspace access improvements utilising funding from the UKSPF Fund.

Alternative options considered:

Not carrying out the work would be missing a funding opportunity from UKSPF Fund to create green space improvements for the benefit of the community.

Source of Authority to take Decision:

Constitution 25 Jan 2025

2.8.7 To take any action in relation to procurement
and the letting of contracts for goods, works
and services, within approved budgets.

In accordance with scheme of delegation.

Publication date: 04/02/2025

Date of decision: 04/02/2025