Decision details

Grant of Contracted-Out Lease of Unit 5 The Billings

Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the grant of the lease of Unit 5 The Billings, Walnut Tree Close to Bower Wood Production Services Ltd in line with the following terms and conditions:

Term: 10 years
Breaks: mutual at year 5
Rent: £29,500pa
Rent review (open market): at year 5

In accordance with the Council’s General Disposal Consent powers, this provides the ‘best consideration reasonably obtainable’ where the proposed term exceeds seven (7) years.

If you have any queries, then please contact Charles Woode who will be happy to provide further information.

Reasons for the decision:

In accordance with sound estate management practice.

Alternative options considered:

The decision meets the statutory / policy requirements for the Council and there were no alternative options available

Source of Authority to take Decision:

Scheme of Delegation to Officers July 2024
Assistant Director – Assets and Property
Para. 3.8.3
To acquire and dispose of land and property in connection with the Council’s functions and to grant leases, variations, tenancies, rights, easements, licences, consents and wayleaves of, in, or over buildings or land in connection with the Council’s functions, in accordance with Council policies and within the approved General Fund capital programme.
In consultation with the Portfolio Holder and the Joint Service Director Finance

Publication date: 08/08/2024

Date of decision: 07/08/2024