Decision details

Instruction of Green & Partners to undertake a Lease Renewal, Regear or Agency Letting in relation to the upcoming lease expiry of 122, 124a & 124b High Street, Guildford on 8th July 2025.

Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The lease of 122,124a & 124b expires on the 8th July 2025 and in anticipation of the expiry (Lease inside the Act) GBC have instructed Property Agents Green & Partners to first engage in negotiations with the present Tenant, The Body Shop to ascertain whether a lease renewal can be agreed. Should lease renewal discussions not be successful Green & Partners are instead instructed to act on behalf of GBC in respect of a new Agency Letting.

Reasons for the decision:

In order to identify a suitable Property Consultant to undertake the instruction, GBC ran an invitation to quote asking three separate Property Consultants to provide a fee proposal. The fee proposal put forward by Green & Partners was competitive, furthermore they provided a comprehensive submission showcasing their experience of the retail pitch in question. Consideration of these two factors let to Green & Partners being selected as the preferred Property Agent to undertake this instruction.

Alternative options considered:


Source of Authority to take Decision:

Scheme of Delegation to Officers December 2024

Joint Assistant Director – Assets and Property

Para 2.8.7 To take any action in relation to procurement and the letting of contracts for goods and services, within approved budgets.

Where specified in Contract Procedure Rules, JSD Finance and JSD Legal & Democratic Services

Publication date: 04/02/2025

Date of decision: 04/02/2025