Decision Maker: Head of Asset Management
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the reviewed rent of the above property leased to
Broadwater Sports Club Limited.
In accordance with the provisions of the lease, the annual passing
rent of £3,880 has been reviewed as at 16.6.2024 and it is
proposed to increase it to £5,188 per annum.
The rent review was based on changes in the RPI index.
A memorandum will be endorsed on the lease recording this
If you have any queries, then please contact Mark Appleton who will
be happy to provide further information.
The decision meets the statutory requirements
for the Council and there were no alternative options
Scheme of Delegation to Officers December
Assistant Director – Assets and Property
Para. 3.8.5
In relation to premises leased or licensed to others: (a) to
approve revisions in rent
In consultation with the Portfolio Holder
JSD Finance where there are financial implications.
Portfolio Holder (Housing) for HRA non-commercial leases
Relevant Assistant Director/JSD
Publication date: 03/02/2025
Date of decision: 29/01/2025