Decision Maker: Head of Asset Management
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Council has received a request to grant an Easement over 24-29
Woodbridge Meadows, in line with the following terms and
The Easement is to be tripartite between the Council as Freeholder,
Porche as the long lessee and Thames Water as grantee.
Porche undertook a redevelopment of the site at 24-29 Woodbridge
Meadows (with the necessary consents) in 2021/22 to build the
Porche Centre Guildford. During construction they were informed by
Thames Water of an existing mains water pipe running within the
western boundary of the site which had not previously been
identified on utility searches.
Thames Water has requested an Easement over the water pipe which
the Council has agreed is to be tripartite with Porche who have
responsibility for the site until their lease expires in
As the water pipe is existing, no consideration is payable in this
instance. However our legal and surveyors costs are being
If you have any queries, then please contact Emma Guy who will be
happy to provide further information.
In accordance with good estate management
practice. The mains water pipe serves 8,000 properties within the
The decision meets the policy requirements for
the Council and there were no alternative options available.
Scheme of Delegation to Officers December
Assistant Director – Assets and Property
Para. 3.8.3
To acquire and dispose of land and property in connection with the
Council’s functions and to grant leases, variations,
tenancies, rights, easements, licences, consents and wayleaves of,
in, or over buildings or land in connection with the
Council’s functions, in accordance with Council policies and
within the approved General Fund capital programme.
In consultation with the Portfolio Holder, JSD Finance
Portfolio Holder – Housing
(in respect of HRA
commercial leases)
Any relevant AD
Publication date: 29/01/2025
Date of decision: 29/01/2025