Decision details

Delegated authority to undertake a four-week period of public consultation on the draft Marketing Requirements Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Planning Development

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Delegated approval has been granted for the Council’s Planning Policy team to undertake statutory consultation on the draft Marketing Requirements SPD.

The consultation will run for a four-week period, during which time the SPD and an Initial Consultation Statement will be available to view on the consultation portal on the Council’s website. Paper copies of these documents will also be publicly available at the Council’s Milmead offices and at the borough’s libraries during the consultation period.

At the start of the consultation. emails and letters will be distributed directly to individuals and organisations who have requested to be notified of future consultations. A press release will also be issued.

Representations made during the consultation will be considered to see if they justify further amendments to the SPD prior to it being recommended to the Executive for formal adoption.

It is a mandatory legal requirement under Regulation 12 (b) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) 2012 Regulations (legislation available online at for local planning authorities to consult the public on draft supplementary planning documents for a minimum period of four weeks.

This public consultation will fulfil the above regulatory requirements. It will also be in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement of May 2020 (which is available to view at

Reasons for the decision:

To meet the legal requirements for public participation on Supplementary Planning Documents, and to comply with guidance in the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement.

Alternative options considered:


Source of Authority to take Decision:

Paragraphs 3.4.23 and 3.4.26 of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers. Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution.

3.4.23 To make all decisions and take all actions and
exercise all powers in respect of the Councils
Planning Policy functions in accordance with
adopted policies and relevant legislation.
3.4.26. To prepare and publish all information required by legislation, including Annual Authorities Monitoring Reports, Brownfield Land Register, Housing Delivery Action Plan and any other required documents.

Publication date: 09/01/2025

Date of decision: 08/01/2025