Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Approval of a new post of Joint Assistant
Director of Transformation
1. To approve the creation of a Joint Assistant Director post, on a 2-year fixed term basis, effective from 1 February 2025, subject to budget approval by full Council.
2. To delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service to make any changes to the role, following the outcome of consultation with staff and the Union.
3. To agree that the post of Joint Assistant Director of Transformation will be a shared post with Waverley Borough Council and will be governed by the existing principles of the Inter-Authority Agreement.
1. To respond to changes in resources within the Strategy and Corporate Services team which provides an opportunity to further consider the structure of that service and whether it has the capacity and capability to deliver the next stage of the Transformation and Collaboration programme and other transformation opportunities.
2. To ensure that the Transformation and Collaboration programme is appropriately represented at Joint Leadership Team level, thereby delivering consistent visibility of the programme at senior officer level; and leadership focus on delivering programme objectives and ensuring sustainable improvements in services for the residents of Guildford and Waverley and improvement in value for money across both Councils at a time of stress on local government finances.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Option 1 (Do nothing) and Option 2 (Create a permanent Joint Assistant Director post directly reporting to JCEX).
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
Report author: Pedro Wrobel
Publication date: 10/01/2025
Date of decision: 09/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 09/01/2025 - Executive
Effective from: 17/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: