Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Commercial Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The structural repairs to the corbels at York
Road are a H&S risk.
There are three broken corbels which put the structure at a risk of
instability and collapse. The repair works are to include concrete
and rebar repairs to three locations within York Road. The
locations are 2 no. positions on level 5 and 1 no. position on
level 7. To repair the corbels an initial temporary and heavy-duty
propping system will be required to support the corbels and the
surrounding structure whilst the repair works are taking
Health & Safety Requirement
Scheme of Delegation to Officers October
Joint Assistant Director – Assets and Property
Para 2.8.7 To take any action in relation to procurement and the
letting of contracts for goods and services, within approved
Where specified in Contract Procedure Rules, JSD Finance and JSD
Legal & Democratic Services
Publication date: 06/12/2024
Date of decision: 04/12/2024