Decision details

Modified - Annual Bill, Notification and Rent Letter Contract

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director Finance and Resources (S151)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Modification of 22/10/24 decision to extend existing contract with CFH Docmail for one year, in accordance with provisions in the current contract.

As stated on 22/10/24 there are a number of variables including the number of documents and the price of postage.
The timing and amount of Royal Mail increases are an unknown. Further advice is that an upper cap of £60,000 would be more appropriate in case there is an increase before the annual bills and notifications are posted.

CFH Docmail provides printing services for the annual council tax bills, benefit and LCTS notifications and annual rent letters. The cost has increased by RPI of 3.6%. Cost including postage estimated at between £46,000 and £60,000 excluding VAT. This will depend on actual numbers at the time of printing and posting.

Reasons for the decision:

Subsequent advice that given the uncertainty about the timing and scale of Royal Mail increases a higher upper cap of £60,000 was required

Alternative options considered:


Source of Authority to take Decision:

2.8.7 To take any action in relation to procurement and the letting of contracts for goods and services, within approved budgets

Publication date: 28/11/2024

Date of decision: 28/11/2024