Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
In order to undertake highway works in order
for this to be adopted, it is necessary for a developer (Guildford
Borough Council in this case) to enter into an agreement with the
Highway Authority (Surrey County Council), to agree the standard,
timescales and scope of highway to be improved, delivered and
This agreement will define the works to be done, which have been
technically approved by SCC, the cost of the works and any other
costs payable to SCC.
To enter into a s38 Agreement for the delivery
and adoption of improvements to the existing Westfield Road and
connection to the Internal Estate Road
The Extraordinary Council on 30th August 2023,
Item CO47:
The Council: Delegates to the Strategic Director of Place, in
consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration and Lead
Councillor for Finance and Property, authority to enter into such
other contracts and legal agreements connected with the Weyside
Urban Village project as may be appropriate in compliance with
Procurement Procedure Rules and within the approved budget.
Publication date: 03/09/2024
Date of decision: 03/09/2024