Decision details

Enter into a Lease In of Ball Court at Wildfield Close, Guildford, from Surrey County Council

Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the leasing in of a Ball Court, Wildfield Close, Guildford, from Surrey County Council in line with the following terms and conditions:

For a term of 5 years.

For the Council as tenant of a new lease the rent will be £peppercorn.

Each party will pay their own costs associated with this transaction

If you have any queries, then please contact Mark Appleton who will be happy to provide further information.

Reasons for the decision:

For the health and well-being on the local residents.

Alternative options considered:

The decision meets the policy requirements for the Council and there were no alternative options available.

Source of Authority to take Decision:

Council’s 31/1/2024 Constitution Part 3, Page 3-63 Para 5(a), Executive Head: Assets and Property in relation to land and premises occupied or to be occupied by the Council and in consultation with the appropriate lead councillor, relevant Joint Director and Chief Finance Officer:

To take leases, licences and other appropriate interests when required by the Council for the proper performance of its functions

Publication date: 27/06/2024

Date of decision: 26/06/2024