Decision details

Surrender of the Lease of Unit 35 Midleton Enterprise Park to Vacuums 4 U Ltd.

Decision Maker: Head of Asset Management

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Vacuums 4 U Ltd. occupy unit 35 at Midleton Enterprise Park under a lease dated 29th April 2022. They are seeking a new lease of Units 17 & 18 Midleton Enterprise Park (as authorised under a previous DA signed on 18th March 2024) and to surrender their current lease of Unit 35 at the same time.

It is proposed that the surrender of the lease of Unit 35 will take place simultaneously with the grant of the new lease of Units 17 &18, to ensure that the Council does not have any gap in the rental income. The tenant will be responsible for remedying any dilapidations to Unit 35 before the surrender is completed and there will be no premium payable for this surrender.

This surrender will permit Vacuums 4 U Ltd to take on twice as much space at Midleton Enterprise Park and double the rent that they pay to the Council. Unit 35 will be marketed for re-letting.

If you have any queries, then please contact George Musgrave who will be happy to provide further information.

Reasons for the decision:

To facilitate the new lease of Units 17 & 18 Midleton Enterprise Park and take back Unit 35 for re-letting.

Alternative options considered:


Source of Authority to take Decision:

Council’s 15/5/2024 Constitution Part 3, Page 3-63 Para 4(e), Executive Head: Assets and Property in relation to the Council’s land and premises leased or licensed to others and in consultation with the appropriate lead councillor and relevant Joint Director:

To approve proposals for assignment, sub-letting or surrender of leases and for change of use

Publication date: 12/06/2024

Date of decision: 12/06/2024