Decision details

Licence to Alter for Elevator Installation and External Alterations at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Management Ltd. (YATM) hold a 99 year lease of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, dated 14th July 1961. The Council are the freeholder of this property and under the terms of the lease must approve any structural works to the property, any excavation works and various other types of alterations.

YATM are proposing to install a new elevator within the theatre to improve accessibility for customers to the upper floors and seating areas. The existing external elevator and shaft will also be demolished as part of this project. These installation works will involve creating a lift shaft and excavating a base pit. YATM have assembled a team of consultants to advise them on these works.

Their detailed construction plans have been reviewed by the Council’s Building Surveying team and comments provided to YATM’s project manager. The installation has been deemed acceptable and will be an improvement to the building.

YATM are also proposing to install new illuminated signage on the front elevation of the building displaying the name of the theatre. They also propose changes to the main entry doors and add digital screens and smaller signage around it. These external alterations also require the Council’s formal consent under the terms of the head lease.

It is proposed that the Council grant a License to Alter to formally approve these works. Under the terms of the License YATM will be responsible for ensuring that they obtain all necessary consents.

If you have any queries, then please contact George Musgrave, Assets & Property Manager, who can provide further information.

Reasons for the decision:

Formal consent must be given under the terms of the lease.

Alternative options considered:


Source of Authority to take Decision:

Council’s 15/5/2024 Constitution Part 3, Page 3-63 Para 4(c), Executive Head: Assets and Property in relation to the Council’s land and premises leased or licensed to others and in consultation with the appropriate lead councillor and relevant Joint Director:

To approve as landlord, proposals for new building works and alterations (except in relation to land and premises held in the Housing Revenue Account)

Publication date: 31/05/2024

Date of decision: 31/05/2024