Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the grant of the lease of B1 41
Moorfield Road, Slyfield Industrial Estate, GU1 1RU to Javelin ID
Limited in line with the following terms and conditions:
Term: 5 Years
Use: Light industrial/warehouse with trade counter
Rent: £42,106.50 p.a. (payable quarterly in advance)
Rent Free: Upon lease completion, the tenant will benefit from 1
months rent fee.
Deposit: 3 months rent plus sum equivalent to VAT
To grant a renewal.
The decision meets the statutory / policy
requirements for the Council and there were no alternative options
Council’s 21/07/2023 Constitution Part
3, Page 3-65 Para 3(a), Executive Head: Assets and Property in
consultation with the appropriate lead councillor and subject to
being satisfied that the Council will receive the best
consideration reasonably obtainable:
Subject to consultation with the Chief Finance Officer when the
annual rent or premium exceeds £199,999, to accept terms for
the granting, renewing, reviewing and varying of leases of Council
owned land and property held in the General Fund
Publication date: 26/09/2023
Date of decision: 26/09/2023
Effective from: 04/10/2023