Decision details

Development Management Establishment Review

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



1.    That a supplementary budget for this financial year 2022-23 for the Development Management service of £465,400 and £15,800 for the Customer Case and Parking Service to provide additional resources and support to address the back log of planning applications and ensure the delivery of a robust service, be approved.


2.    That additional funding for the next financial year 2023-24 for the Development Management service of £387,700 and £100,420 for the Customer Case and Parking Service to provide additional resources and support, be approved.


To ensure the return to a robust and customer focused Development Management function and to ensure that we can meet Key Performance Indicators and reduce the threat of Designation.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:


Report author: Dawn Hudd

Publication date: 25/11/2022

Date of decision: 24/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 24/11/2022 - Executive

Effective from: 03/12/2022

Accompanying Documents: